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Risk Factors

Risks related to the Group’s business and industry



2016 Registration Document


the Group’s merchant clients or others engage in fraudulent

chargebacks resolved in favor of their customers, and when

Commercial Acquiring business refuse or cannot reimburse

The Group incurs liability when its merchant clients in its

cardholder. In the context of the Group’s Commercial Acquiring

purchase price is credited or otherwise refunded to the

transaction is normally “charged back” to the merchant and the

merchant is not resolved in favor of the merchant, the

In the event that a dispute between a cardholder and a

operations, particularly with respect to its e-Commerce services.

on the Group’s business, financial condition and results of

by the Group’s merchants could have a material adverse effect

chargebacks in the future. Any increase in chargebacks not paid

cardholder. The Group may experience significant losses from

Group bears the loss for the amount of the refund paid to the

any other reason, to reimburse the Group for a chargeback, the

the merchant refuses or is unable, due to closure, bankruptcy or

the merchant’s account or reserve account (if applicable), or if

business, if the Group is unable to collect such amounts from

approved by the Group are not paid.

services, the Group pays indemnities to customers when checks

Similarly, in the context of the Group’s check processing

fraud could increase in the future.

to incur other liabilities. Moreover, it is possible that incidents of

clients and card management organizations, or cause the Group

Group’s reputation and jeopardize its relationships with its bank

could increase the Group’s chargeback liability, damage the

and fraud. Failure to effectively manage risk and prevent fraud

methods to engage in illegal activities such as counterfeiting

services sold. Criminals are using increasingly sophisticated

invalid card, or intentionally fails to deliver the merchandise or

credentials to record a false sales or credit transaction, uses an

counterfeit credit or debit card, card number, or other

a merchant or other party knowingly uses a stolen or

merchants or others. Examples of merchant fraud include when

electronic payment transactions or credits initiated by

Additionally, the Group has potential liability for fraudulent

assurances can be given that insurance coverage to protect

business, results of operations and financial condition. No

obligations could have a material adverse effect on the Group’s

Defaults by the Group’s merchants on their reimbursement

business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects.

merchants could have a material adverse effect on the Group’s

future. Any increase in chargebacks not paid by the Group’s

may experience significant losses from chargebacks in the

requesting collateral and setting caps for monthly processing, it

merchant-related credit risk by establishing reserve accounts,

against certain such losses will be effective and adequate.

Although the Group has put in place policies to manage

financial condition and results of operations.

have a materially adverse effect on the Group’s business,

respect to the payment processing industry in general could

mechanism for consumers or adverse developments with

A decline in the use of credit or debit cards as a payment

cards and other payment forms which is adverse to the Group, it

change in the mix of payments between cash, credit and debit

payment mechanism for their transactions or if there is a

If consumers do not continue to use credit or debit as a

the Group’s revenue could be significantly affected. Also, if

payments effected through digital and data processing services,

outstrips or occurs faster than the increase in the market for

card-based payment market decreases and such decrease

digital and data processing areas. To the extent that the overall

to cashless payments by means other than cards using other

A smaller, but growing, portion of the Group’s business is linked

the Group’s business is linked to credit and debit card payments.

financial condition and results of operations. A substantial part of

could have a material adverse effect on the Group’s business,

operations and prospects may be adversely affected.

do business, the Group’s business, financial condition, results of

regulation that makes it more difficult for the Group’s clients to

payments industry in general, such as new legislation or

absorbed. Moreover, if there is an adverse development in the

higher maturity levels and the initial development expenses are

profitability could decrease, at least temporarily until they reach

margins are lower in these new areas, then the Group’s

terms could harm the Group’s business, particularly in

Failure to renew agreements with customers on acceptable


segments of its business where customer concentration is

to provide the same or similar services or cease outsourcing the

increase or decrease its scope, seek out the Group’s competitors

choice to either renegotiate their contract with the Group,

years. At the end of a contract’s term, the Group’s clients have a

public sector clients in Latin America have terms of up to 10

length from three to five years, while certain of its contracts with

Group’s business. The Group’s client contracts typically vary in

Failure to renew client contracts could negatively impact the

adversely affected.

business, results of operations and financial condition may be

rates and contract terms that are favorable to it, the Group’s

customer. If the Group is unsuccessful in retaining high renewal

economic needs or pressures being experienced by the

agreed with the Group due to pricing competition or other

Further, certain clients may seek to lower prices previously

clients’ business experiences significant volume changes.

Group when seeking to renew or extend contracts, or when the

relevant activity. Customers may seek price reductions from the