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Corporate and social responsibility report

Annex III -

Reducing our environmental footprint through eco-efficient operations



2016 Registration Document

action to promote sustainable mobility and eco-design and

eco-use of its payment terminals. Actions are also put in place in

offices and data centers or at the purchasing policy level.

In order to reduce the scope 3 emissions, Worldline is taking

(Scope 3, outsourced services) for services hosted by Atos and


has a carbon offset program. Since 2010, Worldline

compensates 100% of the emissions from its data centers. This

initiative, which provides neutral carbon footprint hosting, allows

customers to declare “zero” in their carbon public reporting

In order to reduce the impact of its carbon emissions, Worldline

In terms of offsetting, the Atos group and Worldline have

EcoAct, a company specialized on carbon strategy. The

Company has decided to finance a wind farm located in India

where Worldline have 6% of its employees and where

renewable energies need to be developed.

chosen to fund wind farm projects, enabling the development of

renewable electricity. This project is certified by the best

internationally recognized standards such as the “Verified

Carbon Standard” and the “Gold Standard” in a partnership with

Worldline has also decided to go further on its ambition to

provide carbon neutral services and has decided to compensate

by 2020 the CO


emissions coming from its buildings, business

travels and life cycle of its terminals.

In 2016, Worldline produced 11,842 tons CO


, for all activities

worldwide [GRI 305-4].

Carbon intensity

Carbon intensity figures are the most significant (emissions by

revenue or employees) and reflect the real progress made in

terms of energy efficiency since 2008.



per € million and 1.96

tons of CO


per employee [GRI 305-4].

In 2016, Worldline’s carbon intensity figures were 11.05

tons of

Worldline managed to halve its total CO


emissions between

2008 and 2012. It also reduced its carbon intensity in line with its

target (tons of CO


/€ million revenue) between 2012 and 2015.

Energy consumption


Using a renewable power supplywherever possible

[GRI 302-1] [GRI 302-3] [GRI 305-4] and [GRI 305-5]

central teams reflect the commitment and day-to-day efforts

made by employees to reduce Worldline’s carbon footprint.

carbon-free energy, following the Atos group’s program, which

aims to gradually and when possible migrate from

carbon-based electricity to low-carbon electricity. These steps

taken by the procurement teams in coordination with the

countries now meet part of their energy requirement using

Every year, Worldline reviews its supply contracts to identify

sites and countries likely to switch to low-carbon energy. Several

the hydro-electricity produced by GDF in France (AlpEnergy).

requirement (buildings and data centers; annual consumption of

about 7.3 MWh). The contract with Electrabel/GDF is based on

At Worldline Belgium, the Procurement department has been

renewing for 2015 and 2016 the green electricity contract (in

force since 2009) providing 100% of Worldline Belgium’s energy

visitors, suppliers and customers.

corresponds to half of the consumption of one of our campus

buildings. With this investment (500 solar panels), Worldline’s

environmental commitments are visible and tangible, not only

for site employees but also for all local stakeholders, including

In mid-2015, Worldline Belgium commissioned a new solar panel

system for the roof of the data center and the car park. All of the

photovoltaic electricity generated is used on site and

GJ/employee [GRI 302-3].

In 2016, energy consumption totaled 265,636 GJ [GRI 302-1],

with an intensity by revenue of 240 GJ/€ million and 42.18

electrical waste

Main actions implemented to


increase energy efficiency and

reduce carbonmissions and

the main environmental challenges for Worldline. In these areas,

Worldline is taking specific action to reduce its environmental

footprint for each particular aspect of its strategy:

As described earlier, energy, carbon and electronic waste are


Offices energy efficiency and saving


of working such as open spaces, desk sharing and digital tools

that positively contribute to the environmental footprint of the


addition, the Smart Campus concept includes innovative ways

public transportation availability for the selection of new

locations and for the extension and rationalization projects. In

The Real Estate Logistic and Housing Policy promotes the

energy efficiency criteria such as smart design, low energy

building techniques, highly energy efficient appliances and

end of the day.

been given clear instructions to shut off personal devices at the

series of measures to reduce the environmental footprint of its

buildings. In order to reduce energy consumption levels, all

office devices (computers/printers/copiers/screens) have been

equipped with auto sleep-mode setups, and employees have

In the framework of ISO 14001, Worldline has implemented a