Defining Common Terminologies
Regular Chronic Dialysis Began (RCDB) –
also known as First
Date of Dialysis Ever (FDODE)
The first date a person is dialyzed after being diagnosed with ESRD. It
is often a date in the hospital and could have occurred in another
country. Name has been updated to mirror terminology in the End
Stage Renal Disease Medical Evidence Report (CMS2728).
When determining if a training will waive a patient’s waiting period,
the count starts the first day of the month the patient starts dialysis.
It is not a 90-day count from the first day of dialysis,
but a 3-month
PD/ Home Hemo/ Self Care Training in the First Three Months
of Treatment
Coordination of Benefits Period (COB)
Specific set of rules applied by either CMS when Medicare is involved
or the individual insurance carriers that determines which insurer is
primary, secondary and tertiary: a specific time frame may be
Acute Kidney Injury (AKI)
Previously called Acute Renal Failure (ARF), and is an abrupt or rapid
decline in renal function or kidney damage that happened suddenly.
Our facilities are chronic-based. Because of this, we are unable to bill
Medicare. If an AKI patient is treating in our facility and has Medicare,
we may need to bill the hospital where the patient was discharged
from, and may require a SPA (Single Patient Agreement).