62. Cedrat.
I3?4 drachms of oil of cedrat.
Dissolve in
gallons of alcohol, 95 per cent, and
6yz gallons of white plain sprup.
Color, yellow.
63. Champ d'Asile.^
8 ounces of caraway-seed.
4 do. grains d'ambrette.
1 yi do. Ceylon cinnamon, ground to coarse pow
der; macerate and distil with 3 gallons of alcohol, 95
per cent and 3% gallons of water.
Distil the 3 gallons of alcohol from off the water,
oand mix the 3 gallons of aromatic spirit with a syrup
-jnade of 42 lbs. of sugar and 4^ gallons of water.
64. Christine.
2 drachms of essence of vanilla.
8 drops of oil of roses.
24 do. oil of neroly.
48 do. oil of cinnamon.
Dissolve in 3 gallons of 95 per cent alcohol; mix it
with a syrup made of 42 lbs. of sugar, and 4^ gallons
of water.
65. Christophelet.
6 4-5 drachms of Spanish saffron.
14 1-5 do. cinnamon.
4 6-5 do. cardamom.
10 1-5 ounces of figs.
10 1-5 drachms of galanga-root.