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taste, take brandy and rum in equal quantities, and put

them to it, mixing the whole well together again. The

quantity of liquor must be according to your taste; two

goodlemonsare generally enough to make four quarts of

punch, including a quart of liquor, with half a pound of

sugar; but this depends much on taste, and on the

strength of the spirit.

As the pulp is disagreeable to seme persons, the

sherbet may be strained before the liquor is put in.

Some strain the lemon before they put it to the sugar,

which is improper, as, when the pulp and sugar are

well mixed together, it adds much to the richness of

the punch.

When only rum is used, about half a pint of porter

will soften the punch ; and even when both rum and

brandy are used, the porter gives a richness, and to

some a very pleasant flavor.

67. Punch a la Romaine.

(For'a party of fifteen.)

Take the juice of ten lemons and two sweet oranges,

dissolve in it two pounds of powdered sugar, and add

the thin rind of an orange, run this through a sieve, and

stir in by degrees the whites of ten eggs, beaten

into a froth. Put the bowl with the mixture into an ice

pail, let it freeze a little, then stir briskly into it a bottle

of wine and a bottle of rum. For another method of

making this punch, see recipe in "The Manual for the

Manufacture of Cordials, etc.," iu the latter part of this


68. Tea Punch.

Make an infusion of the best green tea, an ounce to a

quart of boiling water; put before the fire a silver or

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