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see pages I to 6.


are well cut up, and the whites assume a light

fleecy appearance. Mi.x all the ingredients (except the

whites of the eggs) in a large punch bowl, then let the

whites float on top, and ornament with colored sugars.

Cool in a tub of ice and serve.


Baltimore Egg- Nogg.

(For a party offifteen.)

Take the yellow of si.xteen eggs and twelve table-

spoonfuls of pulverized loaf-sugar, and beat them to

the consistence of cream; to this add two-thirds of a

nutmeg grated, and beat well together; then mix in half

a pint of good brandy or Jamaica rum, and two wine

glasses of Madeira wine. Have ready the whites of the

eggs, beaten to a stiff froth, and beat them into the

above-described mixture. When this is all done, stir

in six pints of good rich milk. There is no heat used.

Egg Nogg made this manner is digestable, and will

not cause headache. It makes an excellent drink for

debilitated persons, and a nourishing diet for con


86. General Harrison's Egg Nogg.

(Use large bar glass.)

I Egg.

1% ieaspoonful of sugar.

2 or 3 small lumps of ice.

Fill the tumbler with cider, and shake well.

This is a splendid drink, and is very popular on the

Mississippi river,


It was General Harrison's favorite

87. Sherry Egg Nogg.

I tablespoonful of white sugar.

I egg-
