Pousse Caf^*
Use Pousse Cafi Glass.
^^NE-SIXTH each of the following;
Raspberry syrup, maraschino, orange
cura^oa, yellow Chartreuse, green Char
treuse, and brandy. Pour in carefully so
that they will not mix.
* After-dinner drink.
Pousse L'Amour.*
Use Slurry Glass.
^^NE-QUARTER sherry glass mara
schino; yolk of egg, cold; quarter of
a glass of vanilla; quarter of a glass of
cognac. Take great care that the egg does
not mix with the cordials.
*After-dinner drink.
Ramos Fizz.
Use Mixing Glass.
®NE tablespoonful sugar; juice of half
lemon; white of one egg; one portion
Tom gin; three dashes orange flower water.
Fill with ice, shake weU, strain into fizz
glass and fill with siphon