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August 2016




Australia’s African Energy Resources

reports that First Quantum Minerals

(FQM) has committed itself to spend-

ing A$3 million on work programmes to

advance the Sese integrated power proj-

ect in Botswana. Additionally, a 12-month

extension – to 12 July 2017 – has been

agreed for the investment of the remain-

ing A$7 million required to complete First

Quantum’s earn-in for a 75 % interest in the

Sese Joint Venture.

African Energy says the A$3 million

commitment will be used to undertake a

number of programmes which will com-

mence immediately. These will include

additional large diameter drilling to collect

approximately 1 000 kg of coal for com-

bustion testing and physical handling test

work. This will lead to the development

of the fuel specification for the proposed

power station, and finalisation of the coal

handling and processing flowsheet.

Preliminary geotechnical evaluations

of the proposed power station site will be

undertaken to assess sub-surface condi-

tions with respect to footings for the power

station (boilers, turbines, generators) and

ancillary infrastructure while hydrogeolog-

ical studies at the mine site to characterise

aquifers will be carried out to allow mine

design and aquifer management plans to

be advanced.

In addition, African Energy will update

the environmental approvals to allow up

to 450 MW of power generation (staged

development of 2 x 225 MW units) and the

associated coal mining and processing,

update the mining study and start on pre-

liminary power station design and layout.

The company also says it will com-

mence early site works to include an

upgraded access road and preliminary sit-

ing of camp facilities.

The Sese coal licence contains 5 bil-

lion tonnes of low strip ratio coal. African

Energy announced in January last year that

a joint venture with FQM – which owns the

Kansanshi and Sentinel copper mines in

Zambia – to develop one or more power

projects at Sese was proceeding.

Sese Joint Venture commits

to major work programme

Regional layout of key elements of the Sese integrated power project showing the outline of the pros-

pecting licence, ML application area and key infrastructure elements (proposed mine site, power station

site, water pipeline and transmission/grid connection).

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