August 2016
Yaramoko on track for
commercial production
Roxgold Inc, listed on the TSX-V, says it remains on track to declare
commercial production at its new Yaramoko underground gold mine
in Burkina Faso in the third quarter of 2016.
“We are very pleased to have poured over 14 000 ounces of gold in
the six weeks since production commenced at Yaramoko,”commented
John Dorward, Roxgold’s President and CEO. “Ramp up activities con-
tinue to progress well and we look forward to announcing commercial
production in the third quarter.”
Stoping activities started in July 2016, as scheduled, with drilling of
the first panel underway ahead of the delivery of production ore later
in the month.
The eastern ventilation shaft was commissioned mid-quarter and is
now operating. The western ventilation shaft was subsequently com-
pleted in June and is currently being commissioned.
Commissioning at the processing facility is complete with ramp
up occurring without any unexpected interruptions. Operating time,
throughput rate and gold recovery have hit or exceeded targets
quickly and the near term focus is to optimise performance in these
areas as the mine continues to ramp up its production levels.
The official opening of the Yaramoko mine took place on July 7,
2016. The PrimeMinister of Burkina Faso, Paul KabaThieba was in atten-
dance, as well as the Minister of Mines, Professor Alfa Oumar Dissa.
Roxgold says it intends to complete an updated mine plan for
Yaramoko prior to the end of the year. This will incorporate recent
resource drilling.
The processing plant at Yaramoko (photo: Roxgold).