Winter Cordials
Then put int o a perfectly S\\"ee t ca sk, and when
fermentat ion is ove r bung it up close, and let it
stand for nine m onth s before bot tling.
p ound of rai sins ca n be added to eve ry gallon
when it is put int h e cask.
B lackberry ff' ine
Put int o a tub three g:1llons of blackberry juice,
t en po un ds of
sug:ir, three :rnd a
pounds of
r aisin s, t1vo and a half oun ces of isingla ss, and
the p eel and j uice of fo ur lemons. Add yeas t,
and leave it t o ferm ent for t wentv-four hours , then
put it in to a cask, keep the
b~n g-hol e
open till
ferment at ion is over, and then bung up tightly.
Black Currant
Put twenty-four quarts of black currants,
stripped of their st :dks, into a 1rnoden tub.
Stand it in boiling wa t er till all the juice is
express ed, then st rain it 11·ithout pressure, and
add to it six q u:nts of cold wa t er and twelve
pounds of brown sug:n.
Put n ea rly all of it into a cask, and fill up
du r ing ferment a tion with the amount left out.
When ferm entati on is ove r, bung up the whole,
adding a quart of br:rndy if li ked .
Keep it for a year, and then bottle it.