Winter Cordials
A no ther Black Currant TV ine
Crush the black currants till all the
mce is
expressed, and add to it the same amount of
Allow a pound of sugar for each quar t of jui ce,
and pour the liquor over the suga r, leaving it all
Pour into stone jars to ferment, and as it
works over refill the jars with water.
L eave in a warm place for three weeks, and co rk
the jar or jars lightly until fermenta t ion h:is
entirely ceased, then cork ti ghtly and leave fo r
six months or a year befor e bot t ling.
White Currant and Red Currant Wine are
made in the same way.
Black Currant Gin
Put into
stone jar two quart s of blac k currants ,
three pounds of Demerara sugar, and three quarts
of gin. Shake it now and then.
Coltsf oot FV ine
Take two quarts of the flowers, and spread them
on trays to dry, then put them in an earthenwa re
pan and pour a gallon of boiling wat er on them.