Tr i11 ter Cordials
Cover it up and leave them t o macera t e fo r three
days, sti rr ing them t wice daily.
Then st rain the liquor, and add to it three
pounds of sugar for each gallon. Boil it for an
hour, and when cold add yeas t spread on t oast.
Leave it all night , and the next day put it into a
cask and add a t eacupful of raisins, and three
Seville oranges and t'rn lemons sliced.
Bottle aft er thr ee mont hs.
Comfrey TVine
T ake fo ur or fiv e pounds of comfr ey, weighed
aft er it h as been prepa red ; clean , peel and
up the roo t s in pieces about four inches. Bo1l 1t
till tender in a ga llon of wa t er, wit h t he lid off.
Then strain the liquor, and add three pounds
of sugar for each gallon of liquor.
Boil t ogeth er for three quart ers of an hour, then
pour into a tub, and when cold add yeast spread
on toast.
John Evelyn's Recipe for Cowslip Wine
This is the wine Evelyn recommended to be
used in salads :
" To every ga llon of wat er put t wo pounds of
sugar. Boil it an h our and set it t o cool. Then
spread a good brown toast on both sides with