W i11 ter C ordials
Da11delion TV ine
To every gallon of fr esh fl m\·ers add a gallon
of wat er , t he r ind of a h :ilf a lemon to every gallon
of liquor, one pound of sugar to every qua rt, and
a tablespoonful of yc:i st.
Pour the boili ng \\·:i t cr over the flower heads
and the lemon rind , and lc:ive them t o macera te
for a fortni gh t . Then strain, add the suga r and
yeast, and leave it to fermen t in a cask.
When f ermentation is over, bottl e it . Keep
filling up t he cask with \\·at er while fermentation
is going on , and wh en it is bottled cork tightly and
keep in a cool place.
Equal quanti ties of cowslips and dandelions
mixed m ake a very good wine.
Elderberry TVi11e
Boil t wo and a h alf pecks of elderber_ries in
nine gallons of ' 'vat er till soft, then strain and
boil the liquor for an hour ,,·ith thi rt y-fi ve pounds
of b rown sugar, a quart er of a pound of ginger, two
ounces of Jamaica pepper, and one ounce of
cloves in a b ag.
Pour into a wooden tub and when nearly cold,
add h alf a p in t of yeast . 'The next day skim it,
r em ove the yeast , and pou r the wine in_t o a
When ferment ation is over, bung it up t1_ght
and leave it for six or seven months before bottling.