Tf'in ter Cordials
After \Yeighing them, hoil th em in a ga llon
of wat e r to eve ry five pound of parsnips t ill
t ender, \vith the lid off. Then str.1 in the liquor
and add t o it three pou nds of sug:n fo r
Boil t ogether for th rec-qua rte rs of an hour.
P our int o a tub, and
\d1 L·n
cool add a little ye:is t
spread on t oas t .
it cm·ered up for t en
days, stirrin g- it
en' JT
d:ff . Then pour it in to a
cask or
s t on ~
after fer
ment:1tionis over,
cover it up ti ghtly.
It can be bot tl ed in six or se,·en months.
Q11i11 cc lf" ine
..P a re and core the quinces and ext rac t all
Juice, and st ir into it till
di ~solved
and a ha lt
pounds of suo-ar for e \· erv O':tll on of jui ce.
Put into abcask, and
l ~~n?e
it \\"ith. th e bung hole
open till ferment at ion is ove r, then close it
tightly ;md keep it as long as possible befo re
This wi n e imp roves n-ith keeping.
Ra isin
(For a very small quantity)
Put eight pounds of raisins in a tub, and pour
over them a gallon of boiling wa ter. L eave them