When fermentation is over, bung it u p :m <l
after a week put in a quart o f bran dy . Aft c-r
six months pour it off, and after t wo d:.iys bo ttle
It will be ready to drink in a month, but it is
better wh en it is a year old.
The brandy is not n ecessa ry .
T omato
T ake ripe tomatoes , ma sh them, strain t h e
liquid, sweet en to tast e, and put in to a
jug, whi ch should be n early fu ll :rnd li ghtl y
cove red.
L eave it during fermentat ion, and whe n it is
over, bottle .
A little salt added with the sugar w ill h elp to
bring out the flavour.
A Wine made of Jl1ixed Fru i t
(From the recipe of Mr. Mattheffs, of the Ba th
Agricultural Soc iety.)
Take equal quantiti es of bla ck, r ed and whi t e
currants, cherri es and r aspberries, and t o e:1ch
four pounds of well bruised fruit s p ut a ga ll on
of water.