W£ntf.r Cordials
The n ext day skim thi s, and ad d to it the
oth ~· r
with the jui ce and rind of twelve oranges .
Leave it for for t y-eight h ours, ::idcl a pint
white wine, Sauterne o r Graves pass
thrn u ~ h
bag and bottle.
A nother Orange
f" ine
Cut four and a half dozen o ranges into
~ m.1 ll
pieces. Pour over them four g::i llons of b<,ili 11g
water and leave them for ::i
week cover ed up ,
stirring the mi xture three times a day.
Then strain, and add one pound of suga r for
every gallon of liquor. When di ssolved , po t
into a cask and leave it t o wo rk.
When fermentation is ove r bun g up the
and in three or four months it w ill be ready to
Parsnip H/ine
This wi n e somewhat res em bl cs She rry . It is
excellent, and should be mad e in the early spring
of young parsnips.
T ake four or five pounds of pa rsnips (weigh ed
after they are prepa red) ; cl ean, peel and cut
up the roots into pieces about three inch es lon g.