TVinter Cordials
L eave it ,,-ell covered for twenty-four hours .
Put into the empty cask the peel of six Seville
oranges :rnd half a pound of sug:n candy. Pour
the win e over these into the cisk, keeping out
two ga llons, ,,-hi ch should be boiled and added
late r as the amount in the cask dec reases durino-
Stir into the cask t\\·o oun ces of yeast, and
leave it uncovered ti ll ferm ent ation is over; then
bun g it up :rnd leave it for a yea r, ,,-hen it is ready
to b ottle.
sho uld be kept for anothe r ye:ir before it is
drunk, a nd a qu:irt of French brandy add ed
before the cas k is bunged up imF
rm·es the ,,-ine,
though it is not necessa ry.
Orange TT'iue
(for immediate use)
Mix the whit es of three eo-o-s \\"i th six pounds of
white sugar, and boil them in one and a half
ga llons of spring \\"ater fo r three-qu::irters of an
Leave it to cool and then add one and a half
t ablespoonfu ls of ye:ist.
Into another basin sq ueeze the juice of three
lemons, :rnd add a quarter of a pound of white