Winter Cordials
Mix well together and put into a tub to
When fermentation is over, bottle.
Dissolve one pound of honey m a gallon of
water, add to it half a pound of dri ed hops
and let them simmer for an hour. Then pour it
into an earthenware bowl, and when almost cold
stir in a tablespoonful of yeast.
Leave it covered for three days, then str:i in it
into a cask. Partly bung up the hole du rin g
fermentation, and aft er it is over bun g it up
tightly and leave it for twelve months before
Mar igold TV ine
into a pan t wenty-four pound s of whi te
sugar, four pounds of honey, and t en ga llons of
cold water, and when it is di ssolved, boil it.
Then take it off the fire and add the beat en whit es
of eight eggs.
Boil it all together for fifty minut es . T ake
off the scum, and then pour it ove r four pecks of
the heads of marigold flowe rs. Add fo ur pound s
of raisins.