Winter Cordials
Leave it till nearly cold, and then put in twelve
ounces of good yeast.
Let it stand for a day and a night, then skim
and bottle.
Hop Beer
Boil for two or three hours a quart er of a pound
of hops, two pounds of bran, fi ve pounds of b rown
sugar and five gallons of wat er.
When nearly cold add a quart er of a pint of
yeast. Leave it for t welve h ours, and then strain .
Bottle, but leave without corks for t welve
hours, then cork and tie down.
Treacle Beer
Pour two quarts of boiling water over a pound
of treacle, and when dissolved and well mixed
add eight quarts of cold water and a teacup full
of yeast.
Cover over, and bottle it the n ext d ay.
Nettle B eer
Boil an ounce of hops with half a p eck of the
tops of young nettles, two ounces of sa rsaparilla