THrs book is intended for people with limited
incomes, but the drinks, both alcoholic and
non-alcoholi c, if made 11·ith good materials need
no apology eve n as an accompan iment to a
French dinner.
The recipes cont ain no brandy or other spirits,
as their price at the presen t time makes them
prohibitive, but the book gi\·es all the newest
Ameri ca n drinks, as well as the good old-fa shioned
English ones.
Good claret cup, and cups made of other
French 11·in es , cos t to -day less than good beer, and
the fruit punch es and cups withou t any
are deli ciously refreshing and beau tiful to look at.
Rec ipes are also given for the various fruit
syrups and vinega rs which are to-day necessary
ingred ients of many popular summer and wint er
Th ese are much cheaper and better made at
home, and involve ve ry little time and trouble.