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UN Millennium Development Goals

The objective of the Millennium Declaration of

2000 is to promote a comprehensive approach

and a coordinated strategy, tackling many

problems simultaneously across a broad front.

The declaration calls for halving poverty by the

year 2015, through reducing by half the number

of people who lived on less than one dollar a

day in 1990. This involves finding solutions to

hunger, malnutrition and diseases, promoting

gender equality and empowerment of women,

guaranteeing a basic education for everyone,

and supporting the Agenda 21 principles of

sustainable development. Direct support from

the richer countries, in the form of aid, trade,

debt relief and investment is to be provided to

assist the initiatives of developing countries.

The solutions form the eight Millennium

Development Goals (MDGs).

• Goal 1 Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger

• Goal 2 Achieve universal primary education

• Goal 3 Promote gender equality and

empower woman

• Goal 4 Reduce child mortality

• Goal 5 Improve maternal health

• Goal 6 Combat HIV and AIDS, malaria and

other diseases

• Goal 7 Ensure environmental sustainability

• Goal 8 Develop a global partnership for


MDG 7 Environmental Sustainability

This chapter tracks Goal 7 on Environmental

Sustainability (Table 4.1), with profiles of the

eight countries of the Zambezi River Basin.


All Zambezi Basin states show progress on

some aspects of all of the four Targets for

environmental sustainability, although some

of the indicators are not prioritized or well-

populated. Existing information is often dated

and incomplete, and may be obtained from

secondary sources, although some data exists

for all Basin states for most indicators. The data

is generally accessible at national level rather

than for specific areas, such as those within the

Zambezi River Basin. Therefore of necessity the

data that follows is national rather than specific

to that portion of the country within the Basin.

Target 7A – Reverse the loss of

environmental resources

The most immediate challenge for the Zambezi

basin states out of the five indicators for Target

7A is deforestation, and this is likely to continue

to be a challenge until economically viable

alternatives to fuelwood are in general use. That

is, until the economies improve and acceptable

alternatives are easily accessible and affordable.

There is a growing body of evidence that the

rate and extent of deforestation contribute to

climate change in the Basin (SARDC and HBS

2010). The major causes of deforestation in

the Basin are agricultural expansion, fuelwood

collection, harvesting of non-timber forest

products, commercial harvesting of natural/

indigenous timber species and forest fires. These

are some of the issues that must be addressed

in order to stem the destruction of forests and

meet the MDG Target 7A of reducing the loss

of environmental resources. Figure 4.1 shows

the reduction in forest reserves by country in

hectares over a 20-year period from 1990.

With regard to the other indicators, the extent

of carbon emissions is not well documented

and is not considered a significant factor in

the Zambezi Basin. The consumption of ozone

depleting substances has not been well studied

in the Basin. Some data on the proportion of

freshwater fish stock has been assembled by

FAO for Lake Malawi/Nyasa/Niassa and Lake

Kariba, although not yet for Cahora Bassa, and

there is no general agreement on the definition

of “safe biological limits” for those water bodies.

Proportion of total water resources is based

on estimates drawn from modelling and is

dated, but significant work on this subject has

been applied in the publication by Hirji

et al.

(2002) entitled Defining and Mainstreaming

Table 4.1. MDG 7 Ensure Environmental Sustainability

Source: UNEP 2008.


Target 7A Integrate the principles of sustainable

development into the country policies

and programmes and reverse the loss of

environmental resources

Target 7B Reduce biodiversity loss, achieving by

2010 a significant reduction in the area of loss

Target 7C Halve by 2015, the proportion of

people without sustainable access to safe

drinking water and basic sanitation

Target 7D By 2020 to have achieved a

significant improvement in the lives of at least

100 million slum dwellers


7.1 Proportion of land area covered by forest

7.2 Carbon emissions total, per capita and per $1 GDP (ppp)

7.3 Consumption of ozone depletion substances

7.4 Proportion of fish stock within safe biological limits

7.5 Proportion of total water resources

7.6 Proportion of terrestrial and marine areas protected

7.7 Proportion of species threatened with extinction

7.8 Proportion of population using an improved water source

7.9 Proportion of population using an improved sanitation facility

7.10 Proportion of urban population living in slums

The Millennium

Development Goals