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Customized to you with your information - all of your personal information

and photo will appear on the app. All customer leads and inquiries will

also come directly to you from your mobile too!

How Do I Get My Mobile App

Log into the website listed above - this is the website that will control your

mobile app and all the ways to share your mobile app.

Option One:

Send App Invitation by SMS

- click here and you

will see a white box in the middle of your screen.

Enter your phone number (including area code)

and hit send. You will receive a text message

within 1-2 minutes. This text message includes a

customized link to download your mobile app.

Save this text message! Need to send your mobile

app to someone? Just forward this text message

out whenever you need to send your mobile app to


To find this text message easily when needed, add the phone number (615)

541-1233 to your contact list as “Mobile App”.

Option Two:

Share App by QR code or Link

- click here

to download a QR code which can be

scanned to download your mobile app, OR to

get your unique link to download your mobile
