6 East Monroe Street | Fifth Floor | Chicago, Illinois 60603 | Phone: 312.447.2010 | Fax: 312.444.1125
www.chjc.comSection 4: Existing Facilities Overview and Impacts | May 2017
Sports Market Business Strategy – Morgan Hill, CA
Increased Earnings/ Personal Income
– measures increased employee and worker compensation
related to the events and activities at the facility being analyzed. This figure represents increased
payroll expenditures, including benefits paid to workers locally. It also expressed how the employees
of local businesses share in the increased outputs.
Employment Impact
– measures the number of jobs supported in the study area related to the
spending generated as a result of the activities occurring in the facility. Employment impact is stated
in a number of full-time equivalent jobs.
Direct spending associated with the existing Aquatics Center and Outdoor Sports Center is estimated by
multiplying the visitation volume with the average daily spending per person. Information on overall
visitation volume is provided by the City of Morgan Hill and Morgan Hill Youth Sports Alliance, while other
attributes such as attendee origin, length of stay, and daily spending per person are obtained through intercept
surveys conducted at four representative events: Summer Recreation Swim and Regional Swim Meet at the
Aquatics Center, and a non-soccer sports tournament and a Regional Soccer Tournament at the Outdoor
Sports Center. These will be detailed later in this section.
Indirect spending, induced spending, increased earnings, and employment are then estimated using a set of
multiplier rates unique to Santa Clara County that are applied to the amount of direct spending.
Table 4-6shows the multiplier rates utilized for this impact analysis.
Table 4-6
The multipliers mean that for every $1 million of direct spending, there will be $450,000 of indirect spending,
$357,000 of induced spending, $555,000 in increased earnings, and 12.6 full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs
supported in the economy.
Morgan Hill Aquatics Center and Outdoor Sports Center
Economic Impact Multipliers
Indirect Spending
of direct spending
Induced Spending
of direct spending
Increased Earnings
of direct spending
Increased Employment (FTE)
12.6057 per $1 million of direct spending
*Basis for multipliers is Santa Clara County
Source: Implan, Johnson Consulting