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Ten-Year Network Development Plan 2017 Main Report

F.2.2.3 Infrastructure projects

Publication of cost data per project, or use unit

investment cost

TYNDP 2015 did not include any information on project costs. The TYNDP 2017

concept was developed with the view to provide a European level insight on project

costs while complying with the request for cost confidentiality emanating from a

number of project promoters. The concept consisted in collecting individual project

cost information, ensuring their confidentiality (individual project costs were not

accessible, including to ENTSOG), and reflect them at aggregated level in the


This approach to the handling of costs has been a key message from the first Stake-

holder Joint Working Session (SJWS) throughout the stakeholder engagement pro-

cess, with the confidential treatment of costs detailed in SJWS 5. The approach was

part of the final TYNDP concept as presented in the TYNDP Workshop on 11 May


In line with this concept, ENTSOG committed to the promoters on the confidential

treatment of their project costs as part of the “Project Portal Legal Notice for ENTSOG

Project Data Collection”



Aggregated project costs, as provided in TYNDP 2017, provide a valuable EU-level

insight. Based on the above consideration, cost data per project will not be published

as part of the final TYNDP 2017.

Regarding unit investment costs, ACER published a report in 2015


, providing unit

investment cost indicators and corresponding reference values. This report provides

unit investment costs on an EU-average level. Interest parties can use this informa-

tion and combine it with the technical information at project level as published in

TYNDP Annex A. ENTSOG considers that EU-average information is not specific

enough to represent an accurate enough cost estimate.

For those TYNDP projects that have applied as PCI candidates for the 3


PCI selec-

tion process, and in line with Regulation (EU) No. 347/2013, the application will

include a project-level cost-benefit analysis. In this framework, the Regional Groups,

in charge of the PCI selection, will access project cost-benefit analysis information

allowing them to achieve the task of selection PCI projects.

Finally, in line with Article 11(6) of Regulation (EU) No. 347/2013, ENTSOG has

initiated the process of updating the gas Energy System Wide Cost-Benefit Analysis

Methodology (hereinafter CBA Methodology), with the aim that the updated CBA

methodology would be developed in time to be applied to TYNDP 2018. The update

process will involve stakeholders and will be handled in close cooperation with the

Commission and ACER. Handling of project costs is one of the topics that will be

investigated as part of the update process.

 1) Project Data Portal Legal Notice for ENTSOG Project Data Collection:

The Project Promoter, hereby acknowledges, confirms or undertakes as relevant:

Point 13) that the information related to CAPEX and OPEX of a project submitted by the Promoter will be treated as

confidential by ENTSOG. These data will be used to calculate and publish in TYNDP aggregated cost information. The

aggregation ensures that no individual project data can be identified in the publication. However, ENTSOG shall disclose

such data if required by Court. In this case ENTSOG will inform as soon as possible the Promoter of that request and of

the concerned data.

 2) structure.pdf