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Ten-Year Network Development Plan 2017 Main Report |



In general, stakeholders welcomed the introduction of the advanced status of

projects, the provision of the overall investment costs for projects of a given status,

the report of the projects being part of NDP and the new TYNDP projects map

(Annex B).

The following comments were received:


Suggestion to enlarge the geographical scope of TYNDP to the Energy

Community Contracting Parties.


Suggestion to indicate whether submitted projects are consistent with 3


energy package and EU policies.


Suggestion to provide the individual costs of projects.


The public consultation confirms that monetisation and information gained from the

“import spread configuration” is appreciated by the stakeholders. Stakeholders also

consider the structure of the assessment chapter as positive and the choice not to

show all the results in the main report but to publish them in the Annex E. The coun-

try level monetisation as well as the description of the tool (Annex F) were also found

valuable. Mixed comments were provided on the following topics:


Monetisation, market and price consideration


Consideration of tariffs and/or transmission and infrastructure costs


Country-level monetisation

Most of the topics commented as part of the assessment section are related to the

CBA methodology. The feedback will be fed in the ongoing process of updating the

CBA methodology.

TYNDP 2018

The TYNDP 2017 stakeholder engagement process, as well as its transparency was

generally appreciated. For TYNDP 2018, stakeholders also support the joint ENTSOs

scenario development report foreseen to be open to a public consultation in mid-

2017. In terms of supply, they consider that LNG and Russian imports would require

the strongest stakeholder involvement.

Stakeholders also support to maintain an Energy Transition section in TYNDP 2018.

Additionally, the following comments were provided:


More stakeholder engagement needed (input data, methodology and assump-

tions, CBA process, Scenarios and RES consideration) – this comment should

be appreciated in the light of only half of the respondents having already

participated to the TYNDP 2017 stakeholder engagement process.


CBA methodology/process: support to inclusion of PS-CBA in TYNDP and

update of the methodology.


Assessment: inclusion of the contracting countries of the Energy community,

LNG and L-gas consideration, more demand scenarios.