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Technical article

May 2017


characterised as contamination and

automatically separated. The technology

allows for the detection of impurities

down to a size of 50μm.

X-ray technology

The basic detection principle of the X-ray

technology uses the different attenuation

of the material. XLPE mainly comprises


The carbon atom has six protons in its

core. A typical contamination would

be steel particles from the extruder or

granulator, which is mainly iron (FE). Iron

has 26 protons in its core.

These 26 protons have a much higher

X-ray attenuation than the six protons

from the carbon and this results in

a perfect contrast between the two

materials in the X-ray image.

Optical technology

Regarding the optical inspection, the

illumination plays an essential role. In

order to allow precise recordings of

material flows at industrial speed, modern

camera technologies (optical, infrared and

colour cameras) are used.

Powerful image processing software

similar to the one used for the

X-ray inspection is used to detect

contamination with the optical system.

Therefore, by setting a certain threshold,

all contaminated pellets which are

above the threshold in the mathematical

algorithm are sorted out.

Typical contamination

detected by X-ray and

optical technology

The combination of both X-ray and optical

technologies enables the detection of

contamination in the pellet itself and on its

surface (

Figure 4


The X-ray system inspects transparent

and coloured (eg black) pellets as well

as semi-conductive XLPE material for


Typical impurities detected with X-ray are

metallic as well as organic contamination

and inhomogeneities (TiO


) inside the

pellet. In addition, the optical system

detects, for example, black specks on

the pellet, foreign objects and foreign

pellets as well as other organic or metallic


Integration of

the system in the

production line

The system is typically installed between

the hopper that is fed from the XLPE and

HPTE supply (octabin, bag or silo) and

the hopper of the extruder, whereas the

compound is fed by gravity.

On- and offline

inspection and analysis

of pellets, flakes and


In addition to online inspection and

sorting devices there are modular

designed systems available for on- and

offline inspection and analysis of pellets,

flakes and tapes/films. These are used for

smaller throughputs as well as production

lines where sample testing is sufficient, or

for the control of incoming goods.

Depending on application, the systems

are equipped with X-ray technology (X),

infrared technology (IR) or optical sensors

(V) to be used during the production or for

sample testing and detect contamination

from 50μm.

For example, a laboratory inspection and

analysis device with X-ray technology


Figure 5

) inspects up to 3,000 pellets

(200ml) that are placed on a tray.










sequently, contaminated pellets are

optically highlighted, which makes the

extraction of the individual contamination

significantly easier.

Figure 4


By means of X-ray technology and an optical inspection the system detects contamination inside the plastic pellet and on its surface. The system detects metal

contamination, black specks, yellow discolourations and colour variations in transparent and non-transparent material