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INFORMS Philadelphia – 2015


Tuesday, 4:30pm - 6:00pm


01-Room 301, Marriott

Optimizing Decisions in Conflict, Deterrence,

and Peace

Sponsor: Military Applications

Sponsored Session

Chair: Brian Lunday, Assistant Professor Of Operations Research,

Department of Operational Sciences, Grad. Sch. of Engr. & Mgmt.,

Air Force Institute of Technology, Wright Patterson AFB, OH, 45433,

United States of America,

1 - Active Target Defense Cooperative Differential Game

David Casbeer, Dr., Air Force Research Laboratory, 2210 8th

Street, B20146 R300, Wright Patterson AFB, OH, 45433,

United States of America,

, Meir Pachter,

Eloy Garcia

This work addresses an active target defense differential game where an Attacker

pursues a Target. The Target cooperatively teams with a Defender, to maximize

the distance between the Target and the point where the Attacker is intercepted

by the Defender, while the Attacker tries to minimize said distance. The solution

to this differential game provides the min-max optimal heading angles for the

Target and the Defender team, as well as the Attacker.

2 - Approximate Dynamic Programming for the Military Inventory

Routing Problem with Direct Delivery

Matthew Robbins, Assistant Professor Of Operations Research,

Department of Operational Sciences, Grad. Sch. of Engr. &

Mgmt., Air Force Institute of Technology, Wright Patterson AFB,

OH, 45433, United States of America,


Brian Lunday, Ian Mccormack, Rebeka Mckenna

The military inventory routing problem (IRP) with direct delivery is formulated to

model resupply decisions concerning a set of geographically dispersed brigade

combat team elements operating in an austere combat situation. We construct a

Markov decision process model of the military IRP and obtain solutions via

approximate dynamic programming. Designed computer experiments are

conducted to determine how problem features and algorithmic features affect the

solution quality of our policies.

3 - Improving Chemotherapy Delivery through the Simulation of

Scheduling Heuristics

Ryan Slocum, Instructor, Department of Mathematical Sciences,

Building 601, United States Military Academy, West Point, NY,

10996, United States of America,,

Javad Taheri, Thom Hodgson

In the last decade, chemotherapy delivery has largely become an outpatient

service. This has challenged clinics to administer complex treatments to as many

patients as possible within a fixed period of time. We apply selected scheduling

heuristics to reduce patient waiting times and minimize nurse overtime hours. We

present the results of a case study for which our heuristics found two solutions

that respectively reduce the average patient’s waiting time by 20% and annual

overtime by 60%.

4 - A Game Theoretic Model for the Optimal Disposition of Integrated

Air Defense Missile Batteries

Brian Lunday, Assistant Professor Of Operations Research,

Department of Operational Sciences, Grad. Sch. of Engr. &

Mgmt., Air Force Institute of Technology, Wright Patterson AFB,

OH, 45433, United States of America,


Chan Han, Matthew Robbins

We examine the allocation of air defense batteries to protect a country’s

population as a three-stage sequential, perfect information, zero-sum game

between two opponents. We formulate a trilevel nonlinear integer program, but

instead apply both an enumeration algorithm and a customized heuristic to

search the game tree. We test both on small instances to assess the efficacy of the

heuristic, and we demonstrate the computational efficiency of the heuristic on

realistic-sized instances.


02-Room 302, Marriott

Military Applications

Contributed Session

Chair: Irene Gerlovin, PhD Candidate/ Part Time Lecturer, Rutgers

Business School, 1 Washington Pl, Newark, NJ, 07102, United States of


1 - Modeling Disease Mortality in The National Operational

Environment Model (NOEM)

Venkat Venkateswaran, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,

275 Windsor St., Hartford, CT, 06033, United States of America,

, John Salerno

The National Operational Environment Model (NOEM) is a large scale stochastic

model that can be used to simulate the operational environment of a nation-state.

Effects of various action alternatives can then be studied through simulations. In

this work we describe the methodology developed to estimate disease mortality.

Extensive V&V tests show that estimated disease death rates compare well with

published values, year by year, for several countries tested.

2 - Optimization of The Canadian Armed Forces Domestic

Transportation Network

Raman Pall, Defence Scientist, Department of National Defence,

1600 Star Top Road, Ottawa, ON, K1B 3W6, Canada,,

Abdeslem Boukhtouta

The Canadian Armed Forces domestic transportation network transports goods

between military bases and depots throughout Canada using a combination of

military transport assets and commercial carriers. In this presentation, we provide

an overview of the network, describing it as a directed graph and analyzing its

efficiency. Recommendations are made on how utilization of the military

resources can be maximized through improvements to the route scheduling.

3 - Supply Chain Program Management (SCPM) to the Rescue!

F-35 Program

Irene Gerlovin, PhD Candidate/ Part Time Lecturer, Rutgers

Business School, 1 Washington Pl, Newark, NJ, 07102, United

States of America,,

Yao Zhao

F-35 program had a number of technical challenges. Since its inception in 2001,

the program is seven years behind the schedule and 70% over initial budget. We

review its key SCPM practices to identify root causes for the delays and to

enhance the chance of success for future DOD acquisitions.


03-Room 303, Marriott

Inventory Management II

Contributed Session

Chair: Ruiqi Hou, University of Science and Technology of China, East

Campus USTC, No. 96 Jinzhai Road, Room 367-414, Hefei, 230026,


1 - A Continuous Formulation for a Location-Inventory Problem

Considering Demand Uncertainty

Matias Schuster Puga, Université Catholique de Louvain,

Chaussée de binche,151, Mons, 7000, Belgium,

, Jean-sébastien Tancrez

We propose a location-inventory model that can be applied to design large supply

chain networks. We address a continuous non-linear formulation that minimizes

transportation, inventory, order, safety stock and facility opening costs. We solve

the non-linear model with an heuristic algorithm that relies on the fact that the

model simplifies to a continuous linear program when two auxiliary variables are

fixed. We show the efficiency of the algorithm with the computation of numerical


2 - SQRTN and Portfolio Effect Inventory Models: Notes on Practical

Use and Accuracy for Practitioners

Tan Miller, Director Global Supply Chain Management Program,

Rider University, 12 Winding Way, Morris Plains, NJ, 07950,

United States of America,,

Renato De Matta,

Minghong Xu

We conduct simulations of alternative logistics network inventory stocking

strategies. We then evaluate the accuracy and practical utility to network planners

of using multiple portfolio effect models and the SQRTN model to predict changes

in inventory investment requirements under alternative inventory network

strategies and configurations.
