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INFORMS Philadelphia – 2015



69-Room 201C, CC

Multimodal Traffic Signal Control in a Connected

Vehicle Environment

Sponsor: TSL/Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)

Sponsored Session

Chair: K. Larry Head, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ,

United States of America,

1 - The Multi Modal Intelligent Traffic Signal Control

System (MMITSS)

K. Larry Head, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United States of


, Yiheng Feng, Mehdi Zamanipour,

Shayan Khoshmagham, Byunho Beak, Sara Khosravi

The Multi Modal Intelligent Traffic Signal Control System (MMITSS) is a Dynamic

Mobility Application for connected vehicles in signalized networks. MMITSS

provides intelligent signal control, priority control for emergency vehicles, transit,

trucks, and pedestrians, and performance observation. MMITSS has been

implemented in the Arizona Connected Vehicle Testbed in Anthem, AZ.

2 - Personalized Signaling for Connected Travelers in a Multi Modal

Traffic Signal System

Sara Khosravi, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United States of


, Sriharsha Mucheli,

K. Larry Head

Smartphones have become standard equipment for almost all travelers. The

smartphone can be used to provide personalized signaling information for multi

modal travelers including pedestrians and bicycles at signalized intersections,

transit riders, and automobile drivers using navigation applications. This talk will

explore how smartphone applications can impact the transportation system.

3 - Multi-Modal Intelligent Traffic Signal System, Optimal

Priority Control

Mehdi Zamanipour, University of Arizona, Yiheng Feng,

K. Larry Head, Shayan Khoshmagham

A priority control algorithm is presented that simultaneously considers the needs

of different modal users in a Connected Vehicle environment. A mathematical

programming framework that allows multiple priority requests to be considered

simultaneously based on a hierarchical control policy at the intersection level will

be presented.

4 - Real-Time Performance Observation under Connected

Vehicle Technology

Shayan Khoshmagham, University of Arizona, K. Larry Head,

Yiheng Feng, Mehdi Zamanipour

This paper introduces an approach to observe the performance measures of a

multi-modal transportation system in a connected vehicle environment. Different

types of metrics including traffic-based, CV-based and signal-based measures are

observed and estimated by mode by movement. Challenges regarding low market

penetration rate and privacy of the road users are addressed respectively


70-Room 202A, CC

Predictive Analytics in Railway – Practice

Sponsor: Railway Applications

Sponsored Session

Chair: Dharma Acharya, President, KOSU Services LLC, 241

Auburndale Dr., Ponte Vedra, FL, 32081, United States of America,

1 - State of Railway Analytics

Dharma Acharya, President, KOSU Services LLC, 241 Auburndale

Dr., Ponte Vedra, FL, 32081, United States of America,

A brief overview of how the new emerging technology “Analytics” has been

leveraged by railroads will be presented. Potential new areas where railways

might be able to further utilize this new techniques to bring bottom line value to

the company will also be discussed.

2 - Big Data Analytics for Optimized Track Maintenance and

Renewal Management

Luca Ebreo, MERMEC Inc., 110 Queen Parkway, Columbia, NY,

United States of America,


Pietro Pace

Nowadays, track inspection technology allows railways to collect more and more

data on track’s condition. These data are comparable to “big data” and require

proper analysis in order to extract information for properly managing Track

Maintenance and Renewals. Since railways need to make use as much as possible

of the available data for optimizing their maintenance programs, the required

analytics to support key decisions in an efficient and effective manner will be

illustrated and discussed.

3 - Using Data Visualization to Assess Performance Risk

Eric Pachman, Director, Network Modeling & Analytics, CSX, 500

Water Street, Jacksonville, FL, 32202, United States of America,

At CSX, the way we think about “capacity” is changing. By adding data

visualization to traditional industry modeling tools, discussions on capacity are

shifting to discussions on risk and reliability. Our evolution in capacity analysis is

helping CSX better prioritize infrastructure projects to improve network fluidity.

In addition, through data visualization, we can start to “see” how various

operating and commercial requirements and initiatives impact line of road

capacity and risk.

4 - Deploying Predictive Analytics Solutions in the Rail Industry and

Seeing a Return on the Investment

Robert Morris, Chief Science Officer, Predikto, Inc., 1320

Ellsworth Industrial Blvd, Suite A1600, Atlanta, GA, 30318,

United States of America,,

Mario Montag

In this panel, Predikto will provide an overview of automated dynamic predictive

analytics solutions specific to the rail industry. Use cases currently in deployment

across the globe specific to predicting and reducing downtime in freight and

commuter locomotives are discussed alongside the challenges that organizations

face during the process of deploying such technology. Also considered are

strategies to assist in expediting monetary return on investments in predictive



71-Room 202B, CC

Transportation Planning I

Contributed Session

Chair: Antonio Antunes, Professor, University of Coimbra, Dept. of

Civil Engineering, Coimbra, Portugal,

1 - Plug-in Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Planning using

Cellular Network Data

Jing Dong, Assistant Professor, Iowa State University, 350 Town

Engineering Building, Ames, IA, 50011, United States of America,

, Luning Zhang

This paper presents a method to identify activity-travel patterns, in terms of

timing and duration at home, work, and other major destinations, using multiday

cell phone records. A Hidden Markov Model (HMM) is built to link traveler’s

activity transitions to the observed cell tower locations. The probabilistic

parameters of HMM are estimated using the Baum–Welch algorithm. The derived

travel distances and dwell times are key inputs for plug-in electric vehicle

charging infrastructure planning.

2 - The Barriers of Electric Vehicles Spread Adoption in China

Faping Wang, Ph.d Candidate, Tsinghua University, Shenzhen

Graduate School of Tsinghua, Shenzhen, GD, 518100, China,

This paper present a survey research about barriers of electric vehicle spread

adoption in China, 1000 questionnaire was designed and send to participants

which come from Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, all of which are

large city in China. Majority of participants have EVs driving experience or owner

of EV or PHEV. The demographic data was analyzed by statistic methods which

reveal that more different choice behavior exit between western consumer and

Chinese in EVs consumption.

3 - Strategic Infrastructure Development for Alternative Fuel Vehicles

with Routing Considerations

Seong Wook Hwang, PhD Student, The Pennsylvania State

University, 232 Leonhard Building, The Pennsylvania State

University, University Park, PA, 16802, United States of America,

, Sang Jin Kweon, Jose A. Ventura

This research considers decisions on the siting of alternative fuel (AF) refueling

stations and on the routing of AF vehicles when drivers take a detour to refuel.

Supposing that a driver takes any path whose distance is less than or equals to a

detour distance, we provide an algorithm that finds feasible paths between origins

and destinations. Then, a mathematical model is proposed to determine the

locations of AF refueling stations with the objective of maximizing the covered

