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INFORMS Philadelphia – 2015


3 - Solving A Real-world Snow Plow Optimization Problem:

An Integrated Solution Approach

Joris Kinable, Post-doctoral Researcher, Carnegie Mellon

University, 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, 15213, United

States of America,

, Stephen F. Smith,

Willem-jan Van Hoeve

Each year, many northern cities are faced with significant expenditures pertaining

winter road maintenance. Snow plowing constitutes a significant part of these

costs. This work presents an integrated, adaptive solution approach for a real-

world snow plow optimization problem. The large number of routing and

scheduling constraints render this problem particularly hard to solve. The

performance of our solution approach is demonstrated on data from the city of

Pittsburgh (USA).

4 - On Solving Quadratic Assignment Problems in

Wireless Communications

Hans Mittelmann, Arizona State University, Box 871804, Tempe,

AZ, United States of America,

In digital wireless communications optimal index assignment leads to difficult

quadratic assignment problems. Those are standard QAPs for single transmissions

or for sequential multiple transmissions. They become higher dimensional QmAPs

when simultaneously optimizing over several retransmissions. We report on the

exact and approximate solution of such problems that arise in practice.


21-Franklin 11, Marriott

Health Care Operations

Sponsor: Health Applications

Sponsored Session

Chair: Qiushi Chen,

1 - Can an Early Warning Score Predict Patients’ Hospital Length of

Stay and Mortality?

Nasibeh Azadeh-fard, PhD Candidate, Virginia Tech, 544

Whittemore Hall, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, 24061,

United States of America,

, Jaime Camelio,

Navid Ghaffarzadegan

The Modified Early Warning Score (MEWS) is used in hospitals to quickly predict

and prevent catastrophic events such as death. The prediction power of MEWS,

however, is an empirical question. We analyze effectiveness of MEWS in a major

hospital in the US over six months for a sample of 1021 patients. We find that

MEWS modestly predicts hospital length of stay and death, while physicians’

specific characteristics and their subjective assessments are much better predictors

of health outcomes.

2 - Routing Patients to Community Health Services to Maintain

Patient Access after Facility Merger

Aaron Ratcliffe, Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina

at Greensboro, 438 Bryan Building, P.O. Box 26170, Greensboro,

NC, 27402, United States of America,

Merging the facilities dedicated to a health service may allow for cost savings in

terms of economies of scale and other efficiency improvements at the expense of

poorer access to services for patients. We develop a queueing network model to

examine how a social planner should route heterogeneous patient classes to

community health resources to improve patient access in the absence of a

previously dedicated facility.

3 - Integrated Staff and Room Scheduling for Surgeries:

Methodology and Application

Sandeep Rath, PhD Candidate, UCLA Anderson, B501 Gold Hall,

UCLA Anderson, Los Angeles, CA, 90024, United States of


, Kumar Rajaram

We consider the problem of minimizing resource usage and overtime costs across

multiple parallel resources such as anesthesiologists and operating rooms at a

large multi-specialty hospital. We develop a two stage optimization program with

recourse. We develop a data driven robust optimization method that solves large-

scale real-sized versions of this model close to optimality. We validate and

implement this model as a decision support system at the UCLA Ronald Reagan

Medical Center.

4 - Arbovirus Risk Maps in Texas

Xi Chen, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712,

Austin, TX, United States of America,


Nedialko Dimitrov

Dengue fever and Chikungunya virus two key mosquito-borne diseases in Texas.

To focus state resources, public health officials need to identify the geographic risk

areas for these diseases. We consider thousands of possible risk models, based on

maximum entropy methods, combined with data on the transmission vectors,

environmental, and socio-economic factors. We select the best model empirically,

using historical Texas Dengue data. The final model is in use by Texas health



23-Franklin 13, Marriott

Stochastic Modeling and Analysis with Applications

Sponsor: Applied Probability

Sponsored Session

Chair: Jing Dong, Northwestern University, 2145 Sheridan Road, Tech

C210, Evanston, United States of America,

Co-Chair: Jose Blanchet, Associate Professor, Columbia University, 500

W 120th St., Mudd Building, IEOR, 3rd Floor., New York, NY, 10027,

United States of America,

1 - Stationarity and Interchange of Limits in Heavy Traffic Analysis

Hengqing Ye, Associate Professor, Hong Kong Polytechnic

University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong - PRC,,

David D. Yao

We develop a streamlined approach for justifying the heavy traffic stationary

approximation of stochastic processing networks. First, we demonstrate that the

stability of a deterministic dynamic complementarity problem is sufficient for both

the diffusion limit and pre-limit networks to have stationary distributions. Then,

given an additional mild condition, we show the convergence of stationary

distributions of pre-limit networks to that of the diffusion limit.

2 - Resource Allocation in Bike Sharing using Coupling and

Linear Programming

Shane Henderson, Professor, Cornell University, Rhodes Hall,

Ithaca, NY, 14853, United States of America,


David Shmoys, Eoin O’mahony

We propose an optimization problem that allocates bike racks and bikes to

stations across a city. The objective is a transient performance measure from a

continuous-time Markov chain. We show that the objective possesses a (joint)

discrete convexity property that allows for efficient solution via linear

programming. The proof uses a combination of geometrical arguments and

coupling theory. The results are illustrated using Citibike data in NYC.

3 - Tail Analysis Without Tail Information: A Worst-case Perspective

Henry Lam, Assistant Professor, University of Michigan, 1205

Beal Ave., Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, United States of America,,

Clementine Mottet

One common bottleneck in tail modeling is that, due to their very nature, tail

data are often very limited. Rather than using conventional parametric fitting, we

will describe a robust alternative that is based on a worst-case analysis under the

geometric premise of tail convexity. We demonstrate that the worst-case convex

tail behavior is either extremely light-tailed or extremely heavy-tailed, and

construct numerical schemes to distinguish between the two cases and find the

worst-case tail.

4 - On the Stability of Matching Queues

Pascal Moyal, Université de Technologie de CompiËgne,

Rue du Dr Schweitzer, Compiègne, 6023, France,

, Ohad Perry

Consider a model in which, to each node of a graph G is associated an arrival

process, and any entering item associated to node k either leaves the system if it

finds in line, another item corresponding to a neighbor of k, or is stored in queue.

Using fluid analysis, we investigate the stability of such matching models, which

are of increasing practical importance. We show that, aside for a specific class of

graphs, they can always be unstable even under a natural necessary stability

