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INFORMS Philadelphia – 2015



11-Franklin 1, Marriott

Optimization Large Scale II

Contributed Session

Chair: Lukas Bach, SINTEF, Forskningsveien 1, Oslo, 0373, Norway,

1 - Assortment Planning for Configurable Products with

Consideration for Substitution

Ying Tang, Graduate Research Assistant, Wayne State University,

4815 Fourth Street, Detroit, MI, 48202, United States of America,

, Ratna Babu Chinnam, Alper Murat,

Joshua Lyon

We develop assortment planning models for vehicle programs of a large

automaker to support its strategic product planning efforts. We emphasize two

objectives: 1) Utilizing both non-parametric and parametric approaches for

characterizing demand. 2) Scalability of the models to support real-world

programs. We will also present results representative of a North American vehicle


2 - Natural Gas System Operations and Expansion Planning

for Reliability

Conrado Borraz-sanchez, Associate Postdoctoral Researcher,

Los Alamos National Laboratory, 1927 22nd Street Apt. D,

Los Alamos, NM, 87544, United States of America,,

Pascal Van Hentenryck,

Scott Backhaus, Russell Bent, Hassan Hijazi

We present a MINLP formulation to tackle natural gas network expansion

planning problems. Our model captures physical, operational, directionality and

on/off constraints. However, given its non-convexity, we propose a second-order

cone relaxation that proves to be highly effective on large-scale cases that include

existing Belgian and German networks. Comparisons against a piecewise

linearization approach also show the advantages of our approximation in terms of

its robustness and scalability.

3 - Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search using the

Graphics Processing Unit

Lukas Bach, SINTEF, Forskningsveien 1, Oslo, 0373, Norway,

, Geir Hasle, Christian Schulz

We investigate the efficiency of Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search on the

Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). We do this by implementing the algorithm for

the Distance-constrained Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (DCVRP), which

we benchmark towards a state of the art CPU implementation. The computational

power of the GPU in ordinary computers has increased significantly in recent

years. Therefore it is interesting to utilize this computing power. We perform tests

on well-known DCVRP instances.


12-Franklin 2, Marriott

Optimization Stochastic I

Contributed Session

Chair: Sebastian Maier, Imperial College London, South Kensington

Campus, London, SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom,

1 - A Hierarchical Markov Decision Process for Finding the Best

Replacement Policy of Fattening Pigs

Reza Pourmoayed, PhD Student, Aarhus University, Department

of Economics and Business, Fuglesangs Allé, Aarhus, 8210,


Lars Relund Nielsen

We use a hierarchical Markov decision process to model the sequential decision

problem of replacing fattening pigs for slaughter. State of the system includes the

weight and the price information acquired by two statistical models based on a

Bayesian updating approach. Transition probabilities and rewards are calculated

using the statistical models and a simulation method, respectively. Numerical

examples are given to show the functionality of the proposed model.

2 - Quantile Optimization for Heavy-tailed Distributions using

Asymmetric Signum Functions

Ricardo Collado, Stevens Institute of Technology, Howe School of

Technology Management, Hoboken, NJ, United States of


, Jae Ho Kim, Warren Powell

We present an algorithm for computing the quantile of a continuous random

variable that does not require the existence of expectation or storing all of the

sample realizations. We use this to optimize the quantile of a random function

satisfying some strict monotonicity and differentiability properties. We apply this

to the problem of electricity trading in the presence of storage, where electricity

prices are known to be heavy-tailed with infinite variance.

3 - A Dynamic Size Sample Average Approximation for

Stochastic Optimization

Adindu Emelogu, Mississippi State University, 260 McCain

Building, Mississippi State, MS, 39762, United States of America,,

Linkan Bian, Mohammad


The Sample Average Approximation (SAA) is a method of solving stochastic

optimization problems by replacing the objective function with an approximation.

The size of the sample affects the convergence of the solution of the

approximation and the computation time. We propose an algorithm that

dynamically updates the sample size in SAA and ensures both convergence and

reasonable computation time. We apply our algorithm to a supply chain problem

in health care, and compare it with other algorithms.

4 - Risk-averse Stochastic Path Interdiction

Stephan Meisel, University of Muenster,

Department of Information Systems, Muenster, Germany,,

Laura Priekule,

Ricardo Collado

We propose a new risk-averse approach to allocating security resources in a

network. Resources are allocated for blocking with high probability an attacker

that selects a path for traversing the network. The attacker is characterized by an

unknown probability distribution and resources are allocated based on beliefs

about the distribution. We formulate the problem as a linear program and use

coherent risk measures for getting solutions that are risk-averse with respect to

errors in the beliefs.

5 - Appraising Interdependent Physical and Digital Infrastructure

Investments: An Option Games Approach

Sebastian Maier, Imperial College London, South Kensington

Campus, London, SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom,

, David Gann, John Polak

We present a new option games-based appraisal framework for selecting a

portfolio of interdependent physical and digital infrastructure investments. We

have used this framework to formulate a multistage stochastic optimisation model

that combines the Least Squares Monte Carlo algorithm with the modelling of

infrastructure interdependencies. We investigate the sensitivity of the optimised

portfolio value and option exercise strategies to changes in competitor’s decisions

and strategic behaviour.


13-Franklin 3, Marriott

Stochastic Integer Programming Methods

and Applications

Sponsor: Optimization/Optimization Under Uncertainty

Sponsored Session

Chair: Lewis Ntaimo, Associate Professor, Texas A&M University, 3131

TAMU, College Station, TX, 77843, United States of America,

Co-Chair: Saravanan Venkatachalam, Texas A&M University,

1 - Scaling Scenario Decomposition Methods for 0-1

Stochastic Programming

Kevin Ryan, Georgia Institute of Technology,

, Deepak Rajan, Shabbir Ahmed

A recently proposed scenario decomposition algorithm for stochastic 0-1 programs

finds an optimal solution by evaluating and removing individual solutions

discovered by solving scenario subproblems. We develop techniques for applying

a parallel implementation of this algorithm to difficult problems with many first

stage variables and a moderate number of scenarios. Challenges include problem

symmetry and effective parallelization. Computational results from large scale

problems are presented.

2 - Robust Multicriteria Risk-averse Stochastic Programming

Simge Kucukyavuz, Associate Professor, The Ohio State

University, 210 Baker Systems Building 1971 Neil Ave,

Columbus, OH, United States of America,,

Xiao Liu, Nilay Noyan

We study risk-averse models for multicriteria optimization problems under

uncertainty. We use a weighted sum-based scalarization and consider a set of

scalarization vectors to address the ambiguity and inconsistency in the relative

weights of each criterion. We introduce a model that optimizes the worst-case

multivariate CVaR and develop a finitely convergent algorithm for finite

probability spaces. Our computational study illustrates the effectiveness of the

proposed methods.
