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INFORMS Philadelphia – 2015


2 - A Branch-and-Price Algorithm for Switchgrass Logistic Supply

Chain Design

Maichel M. Aguayo Bustos, Virginia Tech, 250 Durham Hall, 1145

Perry Street, MC 0118, Blacksburg, VA, 24061, United States of


Subhash C. Sarin, John S. Cundiff

Given the locations of a bio-energy plant and storage facilities for a switchgrass-

based bio-ethanol supply chain, we introduce a multi-period mixed integer

programming model to determine both strategic and tactical decisions. A novel

branch-and price approach is used to obtain near-optimal solutions for large-sized

problem instances. Results of its implementation to a case study are also


3 - A Newsvendor Problem with Multiple, Capacitated Suppliers and

Marginal Quantity Discounts

Roshanak Mohammadivojdan, PhD Student, University of

Florida, 303 Weil Hall, P.O. Box 116595, Gainesville, FL, 32611,

United States of America,,

Joseph Geunes

We consider a newsvendor who may order stock from multiple, capacitated

suppliers, each of which offers a marginal quantity discount pricing structure. The

newsvendor seeks to minimize its total procurement plus expected overstock and

understock costs, resulting in an objective function consisting of a sum of convex

and concave terms. We provide an algorithmic approach that permits solving this

non-convex problem in pseudopolynomial time by solving a set of 0-1 knapsack


4 - An Integrated Model for Supplier Selection and Optimal Order

Allocation Considering Uncertainty

Majid Hooshmandi Maher, Allameh Tabatabaei University,

Faculty of Management & Accounting, Hemmat Exp, Tehran,


This paper first presents an approach for supplier evaluation based on integrated

multiple criteria decision making model and then proposes a mathematical model

to optimize the order allocation in a supply chain considering uncertainty in

different parameters. An Iranian automobile company is utilized as a case study.

The mathematical model is solved by genetic algorithm and the performance of

the model is verified using other optimization approaches.

5 - The Production Routing Problem with Vehicle Costs

Robert Russell, Professor of Operations Management, Univ. of

Tulsa, 800 S Tucker Drive, College of Business, Tulsa, OK, 74104,

United States of America,

This paper addresses the integration of production, inventory, distribution, and

vehicle costs for supplying retail demand locations from a production facility. A

mixed integer model is used to determine an approximate solution to the

production routing problem with vehicle costs and a vehicle routing

metaheuristic is used to sequence routes for each time period. Computational

results are reported and compared to results from the traditional production

routing problem.


78-Room 301, CC

Electricity Markets and Utilities

Contributed Session

Chair: Chung-Hsiao Wang, LG&E and KU, 102 Spruce Ln, Louisville,

KY, United States of America,

1 - Analysis of Consumer Behavior Towards Dynamic Residential

Electricity Pricing

Prajwal Khadgi, PhD Candidate, University of Louisville,

Speed School of Engineering, Louisville, KY, 40219,

United States of America,,

Lihui Bai

Variable electricity pricing for the control of residential load has attracted much

interest in the field of demand response, and static variable pricing such as time of

use rates has had successful applications in the US as an optional service.

However, dynamic variable pricing remains an open question, due to lack of

understanding on consumer behavior. We study consumer behavior against two

dynamic rates, i.e., demand charge and load-following rates, using utility

functions and simulation.

2 - A Dynamic Garch Model for Energy Portfolio Allocation in

Electricity Markets

Reinaldo Garcia, Associate Professor, University of Brasilia - UnB,

Faculty of Technology, Industrial Engineering Department,

Brasilia, 70904-970, Brazil,

, Javier Contreras,

Virginia González, Janiele E. S. C. Custodio

In the deregulated electricity markets, a Generation Company (Genco) has to

optimally allocate their energy portfolio. Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) allows a

Genco to maximize their profit and decrease their associated risk. This paper

proposes a model where MPT is combined with a Generalized Autoregressive

Conditional Heteroskedastic (GARCH) prediction model for a Genco to optimally

diversify their energy portfolio. The model is applied to the PJM electricity market

showing its capabilities.

3 - Intraday Electricity Load Forecasting using Rule-based Model

Myung Suk Kim, Professor, Sogang University, #1 Shinsu-Dong,

Mapo-Gu, Seoul, Korea, Republic of,

A rule-based model selection methodology incorporating a multiplicative seasonal

autoregressive with exogenous variables (ARX) model and a support vector

machine (SVM) is provided and applied to Korean hourly electricity load data. We

set up a rule that determines which of the SVM and ARX models should be

applied to forecasting a specific hour within a day. The proposed rule-based model

selection methodology outperforms its benchmarks.

4 - Modeling Grid Operations in China’s Partially-Restructured

Electricity Market

Michael Davidson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 400

Main Street, E19-411, Cambridge, MA, 02139, United States of


Valerie Karplus, Ignacio Perez Arriaga

Long transitions of restructuring vertically-integrated electric utilities can affect

interim market operations and assumptions underlying tools for policy

assessment. We develop a mixed integer unit commitment model of China’s

northeast region with several legacy central planning mechanisms modeled as

regulatory constraints and penalties. We analyze their influence on system

operation, test tractability of formulations and validate with actual operational


5 - Fuel Hedging Strategy for Electric Power Utilities

Chung-Hsiao Wang, LG&E and KU, 102 Spruce Ln, Louisville,

KY, United States of America,


Kyung Jo Min

In recent years, natural gas combined cycle power plants have started to replace

aging and less efficient coal power plants. Because fuel costs represent the

majority of total costs for an electric power utility, how to manage volume and

price risks for coal and natural gas fuel is critically important. In this paper, we

develop mathematical models for structured and analytical guidelines on fuel

hedging strategies for a utility owning both types of generation units.


79-Room 302, CC

Software Demonstration

Cluster: Software Demonstrations

Invited Session

1 - SAS - Building and Solving Optimization Models with SAS

Ed Hughes, Principal Product Manager, SAS, Rob Pratt,

David Kraay

SAS provides a broad spectrum of data and analytic capabilities, including

statistics, data and text mining, econometrics and forecasting, and operations

research-optimization, simulation, and scheduling. OPTMODEL from SAS

provides a powerful and intuitive algebraic optimization modeling language and

unified support for building and solving LP, MILP, QP, NLP, CLP, and network-

oriented models. We’ll demonstrate OPTMODEL for basic and advanced

problems, highlighting its newer capabilities and its support for both standard and

customized solution approaches.

2 - Responsive Learning Technologies - Online Games to Teach

Operations and Supply Chain Management

Sam Wood, President, Responsive Learning Technologies

Learn about online competitive exercises that are used in Operations

Management courses and Supply Chain Management courses to teach topics like

capacity management, lead time management, inventory control, supply chain

design and logistics. These games are typically used as graded assignments
