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INFORMS Philadelphia – 2015



72-Room 203A, CC

Design and Analysis of Data with Complex Structure

Sponsor: Quality, Statistics and Reliability

Sponsored Session

Chair: Xinwei Deng, Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics,

Virginia Tech, 211 Hutcheson Hall, Blacksburg, VA, United States of


Co-Chair: Ran Jin, Virginia Tech., Grado Department of Industrial and,

Systems Engineering, Blacksburg, VA, 24061, United States of America,

1 - Markov Switching Autoregressive Models with Applications in

Cell Biology

Ying Hung, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ,

United States of America,

We will introduce a new framework based on Markov switching autoregressive

models for the analysis of experiments in cell biology.

2 - Sparse Particle Filtering

Yun Chen, University of South Florida, 4202 E. Fowler Ave.

ENB118, Tampa, FL, United States of America,,

Hui Yang

Wireless sensor network has emerged as a key technology for monitoring space-

time dynamics of complex systems. Distributed sensing gives rise to

spatially-temporally big data. Realizing the full potentials of distributed sensing

calls upon the development of space-time modeling of measured signals in

dynamically-evolving physical environment. This paper will present a new

approach of sparse particle filtering to model spatiotemporal dynamics of big data

in distributed sensor network.

3 - Graphical Modeling with Functional Variables

Ran Jin, Virginia Tech., Grado Department of Industrial and,

Systems Engineering, Blacksburg, VA, 24061, United States of


, Hongyue Sun, Shuai Huang

Graphical models are widely used to model variable relationship. Traditional

graphical models are mainly used to model scalar variables. In this paper, a

graphical model with functional variables is proposed. Functional regression

models, combined with sparsity-inducing norms, are applied for the graphical

modeling. A case study and simulation will be used to evaluate the proposed


4 - Optimal Design of Experiments for Generalized Linear Models

Abhyuday Mandal, University of Georgia, Department of

Statistics, 101 Cedar Street, Athens, GA, 30602-7952, United

States of America,

, Liping Tong, Jie Yang,

Dibyen Majumdar

Generalized linear models have been used widely for modeling the mean

response both for discrete and continuous random variables with an emphasis on

categorical response. Here we find efficient designs in the context of several

optimality criteria, namely D-optimality, EW-optimality and Bayesian optimality.

Regular fractional factorials with uniform replications are often used in practice.

We show that these popular designs are often not optimal for binomial, Poission

and multinomial cases.


73-Room 203B, CC

Recent Advances in Analyzing Experiments

Sponsor: Quality, Statistics and Reliability

Sponsored Session

Chair: Rong Pan, Associate Professor, Arizona State University, P.O. Box

878809, Tempe, AZ, United States of America,

1 - Performance of Standard Mixture Designs in Modeling

Ordinal Responses

Mickey Mancenido, Arizona State University, 699 S. Mill Ave.,

Tempe, AZ, United States of America,


Douglas Montgomery, Rong Pan

Mixture designs for the proportional odds model — the widely used model for

ordinal data — are lacking in literature. A viable surrogate are the standard

mixture designs for linear models with normal errors. We are interested in the

performance of the simplex-lattice with axial runs, simplex-centroid, computer-

generated I-optimal, and the uniform space-filling designs when used in a

mixture study with an ordinal response.

2 - Generating and Comparing Pareto Fronts of Experiment Designs

to Account for Multiple Objectives

Byran Smucker, Assistant Professor, Miami University,

100 Bishop Circle, 311 Upham Hall, Oxford, OH, 45056,

United States of America,


Yongtao Cao, Tim Robinson

In many design scenarios the experimenter entertains multiple, conflicting

objectives. The Pareto approach to experiment design is to construct a set of

designs while explicitly considering trade-offs between criteria. The true Pareto

front is not known, which creates problems in assessing front quality, and existing

algorithms are inefficient, ineffective, or both. Here, we introduce an improved

measure of front assessment, and present a new algorithm to generate Pareto

fronts of designs.

3 - Cost Constrained ALT with Exponentially Changing

Stress Durations

David Han, University of Texas, One UTSA Circle, San Antonio,

TX, United States of America,

When designing ALT, several variables such as the allocation proportions and

stress durations must be determined carefully because of constrained resources.

This talk discusses the optimal decision variables based on the popular optimality

criteria under the constraint that the total cost does not exceed a pre-specified

budget. A general scale family of distributions is considered to accommodate

different lifetime models for flexible modeling with exponentially decreasing

stress durations.

4 - Integration of Computer and Physical Experiments for Improving

Predictive Inference

Arda Vanli, Associate Professor, Florida State University,

Tallahassee, FL,

, Spandan Mishra

A Bayesian predictive approach is developed to combine data from designed

experiments on physical process and computer predictions. Predictive distribution

of a regression model is used for inference on the outcome variable and issues

including predictive capability, model adequacy and sensitivity to prior

specifications are discussed. Applications from structural loss prediction and

quality control are presented for illustrations.


74-Room 204A, CC

Bayesian Applications in Industrial Statistics

Sponsor: Quality, Statistics and Reliability

Sponsored Session

Chair: Refik Soyer, The George Washington University, 2201 G St NW,

Washington, DC, United States of America,

1 - What do Coin Tosses, Vessel Traffic Risk Assessment and Return

Time Uncertainty Have in Common?

Johan Rene Van Dorp, Professor, The George Washington

University, 800 22nd Street NW, Suite 2800, Washington, DC,

United States of America,,

Jason Merrick

Via a coin toss argument we will advocate decision making under uncertainty in

vessel traffic risk assessment to be informed by relative risk comparisons by

highlighting the analogy of an accident potentially occurring in a traffic situation

with the toss of a biased coin. That same analogy is next used to demonstrate the

large uncertainty bands that result for average return times of accidents in this


2 - Integrating Expert Judgement and Bayesian Analysis

Thomas A. Mazzuchi, Professor And Chairman,

George Washington University, Washington DC, DC, 20052,

United States of America,

There is a growing need for marrying the fields of expert judgement and Bayesian

Analysis that is, using the Expert Judgement approach to define prior

distributions and for understanding the effects of the elicitation, codification and

combination on the prior distribution and subsequent posterior analysis. This

paper presents an investigation of the above for a simple model using the Classical

Model for Expert Judgment by Cooke (2001).

3 - An Augmented Simulation Approach for Bayesian Design of

Life Tests

Refik Soyer, The George Washington University, 2201 G St. NW,

Washington, DC, United States of America,

In this talk we consider a Bayesian decision theoretic setup for optimal design of

life tests. More specifically, we consider use of augmented probability simulation

with a conjugate class of utility functions for design of life tests. We illustrate the

implementation of the approach in one and two stage designs.
