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INFORMS Philadelphia – 2015


Wednesday, 8:00am - 9:30am


01-Room 301, Marriott

Acquisition and Logistics

Sponsor: Military Applications

Sponsored Session

Chair: Aaron Burciaga, Analytics Executive, INFORMS Analytics

Maturity Model, 4305 Majestic Ln, Fairfax, VA, 22033,

United States of America,

1 - Planning Naval Aircraft Procurement, Enhancements, and

Retirements Over 30 Years

Robert Dell, Professor And Chairman Of Operations Research,

Naval Postgraduate School, Code OR/De, Monterey, Ca, 93943,

United States of America,

, Holly Zabinski,

Gerald Brown

This talk describes an integer linear program (ILP) developed to plan annual

procurement of new United States Navy and Marine Corps aircraft,

enhancements to aircraft, and retirement of aircraft over a 30-year horizon. ILP

prescriptions must adhere to numerous annual and cumulative budget

constraints, age requirements, and mission requirements. We present

computational experience for realistic planning scenarios.

2 - An Optimization Approach to Integrated Requirements

Development for Acquisition Programs

Alexander Dessanti, Sandia National Laboratories, P.O. Box 5800,

Albuquerque, NM, 87185-1188, United States of America,

Requirements for defense acquisition programs have traditionally been developed

in isolation with little regard for their interactive effects. Too often this results in

program cancellation and billions of dollars wasted. This research seeks to

improve defense acquisition processes by enabling a deep understanding of the

interactions and potential conflicts between system requirements during their

inception and suggesting defensible, mutually compatible goals that satisfy

multiple stakeholders.

3 - Certification of Logistics Officers in the USAF

Kenneth Schultz, Associate Professor, AFIT, 2950 Hobson Way,

WPAFB, OH, 45433, United States of America,

We study the costs and benefits for supporting Logistics Officer certification for

Logistics Officers in the USAF. We compare civilian certification programs with a

self developed program.


02-Room 302, Marriott

Scheduling I

Contributed Session

Chair: Qiong Zhu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Mechanical

Engineering Building 715, Shanghai, 200240, China,

1 - Scheduling Operations of Pumping Units in Onshore Oilfields

under Electric-power Constraints

Eduardo Camponogara, Professor, Federal University of Santa

Catarina, Depart. Automation and Systems Eng., Florianopolis,

SC, 88040900, Brazil,

In onshore oilfields, rod pumps are powered by electric motors to lift oil from the

bottom of production wells. The pumps operate according to cyclic control

policies that alternate between on and off pumping periods designed to drive

maximum production. This cyclic behavior gives rise to the problem of scheduling

pumpoff operations to minimize the system power peak. This work presents MILP

formulations for the coordination of control policies and their reconfiguration

during operations.

2 - Operational Scheduling of Storage in Decentralized

Energy Management

Johann Hurink, University of Twente, P.O. Box 217,

Enschede, 7500 AE, Netherlands,


Thijs Van Der Klauw, Marco Gerards

Within decentralized energy management an important task is to steer a local

micro grid towards a pre-specified energy profile over a given period. To reach

this goal, storage is one of the crucial ingredients. In this talk we present concepts

and algorithms to use storage devices to influence the energy profile of a micro

grid. The objective takes into account the cost of the energy and the deviation

from the desired profile.

3 - Assembly Flowshop Scheduling to Minimize Maximum Tardiness

Harun Aydilek, GUST University, Mishref, Mishref, Kuwait,

, Asiye Aydilek, Ali Allahverdi

Two-stage assembly flowshop scheduling problem with the objective of

minimizing maximum tardiness is addressed where setup times are separate. A

hybrid simulated annealing algorithm is proposed. Results show that the

algorithm not only performs well for separate setup times case but also for zero

setup times case.

4 - Multi-agent Based Production Scheduling Service for

Cloud Manufacturing

Qiong Zhu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Mechanical

Engineering Building 715, Shanghai, 200240, China,,

Jie Zhang

This paper applies the multi-agent system and cloud computing technologies to

establish production scheduling service for cloud manufacturing paradigm. Each

Multi-Agent system is packed with an intelligent algorithm solution for different

types of workshop. The self adaptive parameter setting mechanism is designed for

the algorithm based on the workshop parameter.

5 - Genetic Algorithm Based Approach for the Airline Crew

Pairing Problem

Muhammet Deveci, Yildiz Technical University, Yildiz Campus A

block 34349, Besiktas/Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey,

, Nihan «etin Demirel

The aim of the airline crew-pairing problem (CPP) is to generate a set of minimal

cost crew pairings covering all flight legs. The model has been formulated as set

covering problem. The proposed approach is based on a hybrid genetic algorithm

(GA). In fact, some heuristics are developed in the GA’s process. Also a branch-

and-bound algorithm is applied to test the airline CPP. Our results clearly

demonstrate the success of our solution approaches on real-world instances


03-Room 303, Marriott

Logistics and Inventory Management

Contributed Session

Chair: Olga Rusyaeva, Kuehne Logistics University, Grofler Grasbrook

17, Hamburg, Germany,

1 - Managing Inventory of Perishable Products in Multiple Locations

Fang Liu, Assistant Professor, Nanyang Business School, Nanyang

Technological University, 50 Nanyang Avenue, South Spine S3-

B2A-13, Singapore, 639798, Singapore,,

Yun Fong Lim

Consider a retailer selling multiple products with random demands over a single

season. Upon receiving the products, the retailer stores them to multiple

warehouses, each with a limited storage capacity. Because the costs to store and

retrieve a unit of product vary with the warehouses, the retailer needs to properly

assign the products and choose from which warehouses to retrieve these products

after demand realizes. We study the retailer’s optimal decisions in these two


2 - Responsiveness Improvements in Inventory Management

Systems with Imperfect Information

Seyed Shahab Mofidi, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 110 8th

St, CII 5007, Troy, NY, 12180, United States of America,

, Jennifer Pazour

In inventory management systems, discrepancies between recorded and physical

stock in warehouses cause undesirable response times. To our knowledge, most of

the existing research highlights the attained benefits of eliminating errors. In

contrast, this research incorporates existing errors and associated costs of

inappropriate response times in order-fulfillment decisions. We develop

mathematical models that recommend policies to improve responsiveness in

existing situations.

3 - Travel-time Models for 3D Compact Automated Storage and

Retrieval Systems

Xiaozhen Zhao, Huazhong University of Science and Technology,

No.1037,Luoyu Road, Hongshan District, Wuhan, HB, 430074,


, Xianhao Xu

In the 3D compact automated storage and retrieval systems,the stacker cranes are

used to store or retrieva loads into/from the storage location. And the conveyors

can move loads in the orthogonal direction. In this paper,we make the expected

trave time model of the S/R machine,considering different I/O points and the

dwell strategies of the S/R machine.
