.63. JllatJaroisc au <!IIJocolat.
Put in a vessel partly filled with boiling water a pot with one
quart of milk; break five ounces of vanilla chocolate and drop
it into the milk; stir continually, but never let the milk boil;
hand out the glasses, put in every one a tablespoonful of sugar
syrup and fill in the chocolate concoction; serve it hot
Put two teaspoonfuls of pulverized sugar and a bit of powdered
cinnamon in a glass; add one-half of coffee and the other half of
chocolate dissolved in boiling water; serve it hot.
.65. Jllauarois.e au 1.Cait.
Take a large glass, fill it to one-third with capillaire syrup,
add a teaspoonful of orange-flower water and fill it up'with boil–
ing milk.
.66. Jllilb.erru 1.C.emonab.e.
One pint of bilberry-juice is mixed with two quarts of cold
water; add one and-a half pounds of powdered sugar, in case the
juice should not have bee.n sweetened before; mix well and serve
.67. <!Iry.erru 1.C.emonab.e.
Put two pounds of sour cherries in a tureen, mash them with
a wooden spoon and pour two and a half or three quarts of boil–
ing water over it. A small portion of the pits is cracked, put
them in the tureen, cover well and let soak about three hours;
filter; mix with a quart of sugar refined and cleared to syrup and
let it get cold. A spo011ful of St. Croix rum or arrack increases
the fine taste of this lemonade exceedingly.