TPi October 2012 - page 58

Tube Products International October 2012
plast ic pipes
Industrial double-containment pipe
Simona, a system provider of
thermoplastic solutions, supplies a
comprehensive portfolio of sheets, rods,
profiles, welding rods, pipes, fittings,
valves and finished parts.
The company’s industrial double-
containment pipes – a standardised
end-to-end system for the safe transport
of aggressive substances – are a result
of increasing environmental awareness,
the desire for process stability even in
the event of an accident, and continuing
global growth of the chemical industry.
Offering an all-embracing, standardised
system, Simona is expanding its
presence in the field of plant and equip-
ment engineering. Pipes and fittings
are produced by the company, whilst
valves and leak monitoring systems are
sourced from experienced partners.
To increase the level of safety in
transporting aggressive substances,
double-containment piping systems
are made of highly corrosion-resistant
materials such as PE, PP and PVDF,
making them suitable for use in the
chemical industry, semi-conductor
production, the pharmaceutical sector,
metal treatment or paper and cellulose
production. The industrial double-
containment pipes can be used for
transporting liquid and gaseous
Simona is able to provide an extensive
range of material combinations for the
carrier pipe and containment pipe,
always tailored to match the relevant
requirements profile.
The company also offers a wide range
of materials for lining the interior of
steel and concrete tanks as well as
for thermoplastic and GRP composite
structures. Whilst PVC can be glued
directly using reaction resins, polyolefins
(PE, PP) and fluorinated plastics (PVDF,
E-CTFE) require fabrics as an adhesion
substrate for interlocking connections.
The partially fluorinated high-
performance material E-CTFE is also
used in chemical tank and equipment
engineering – for example, in the form
of butterfly valves or pumps. In addition
to its processing capability, weather
resistance and impact strength, the
material has a wide service temperature
range from -40°C to +150°C and an
increased level of chemical resistance
even in the alkaline range.
When selecting a suitable material for a
specific application, the level of chemical
resistance is a crucial criterion in many
cases. Simchem is a comprehensive
practical guide on all issues concerning
the chemical resistance of Simona
materials. It is designed to provide users
with important guidance for day-to-day
operations, and lists almost 4,000 media
and proprietary products. In addition, the
database provides valuable information
about the numerous materials and the
properties of plastics. The fully revised
edition of Simchem was launched
earlier this year, and is available for the
first time in an online version.
Simona AG
– Germany
Pushing limits with PVC pipes
The global demand for larger diameter
pipes for transport pipelines is growing.
Molecor technology claims to have been
the first to manufacture PVC-O pipes up
to DN 400mm, before stepping forward
to DN 500mm, and DN 630mm, paving
the way for PVC-O to join the list of the
materials to be used when undertaking
projects of large diameters.
The advantages of this material, its lower
cost (both raw material and installation
cost), and its performance make it a
suitable option for the execution of this
type of project.
As a result of Molecor’s commitment
with R&D, a new project has been
developed for even larger diameters
and higher pressures. This new system
has been engineered in order to meet
the new challenges of these large pipes.
Molecor’s new equipment will
manufacture PVC-O pipes ranging from
DN 315mm to DN 800mm (12" to 30")
and PN 25 (365 psi). The system is
air based, which eliminates the use
of boiling water, making it safer and
cleaner as well as more efficient since
the energy is only applied to the pipe by
means of a specific air distribution.
Molecor Tecnología, SL
– Spain
Dedicated supplier
of seamless steel tube
and products!
• Mechanical
• Precision tubes
• Hydraulic
• Machining
• Boiler tubes
• Line Pipe
• Centrifugally cast pipes
• Heat Exchangers tubes
Member of the ITA
Tel: (+44) 207 510 9451 / 53
Davenport House
16 Pepper Street
E14 9RP
Large diameter technology from Molecor
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