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arrives this August.

My VR experience on the Sony booth (after

doing the


demo two years ago, there

was no way I was going near horror again, so

first-timer Alesha was given the honours) was

with cover shooter

Bravo Team

, utilising the Aim

gun-shaped motion controller.

The demo kicked off with a squad member

to the right of me copping a bullet to the head

with such striking realism, it caused the ole

ticker to skip a beat. Playing cooperatively with

another player, we had to negotiate a path across

a bridge littered with burning cars and

balaclava-clad enemies.

In true cooperative fashion, we didn’t

say a word to each other throughout the

entire demo. Movement was dictated by

‘option icons’ positioned on the map –

see a cover position and sprint towards

it. At times I would get ahead of the

enemy, resulting in a frantic shootout

to clear them out. While the aiming

took a little time to adjust to, and it will

be totally dependent on level length,

I could see myself playing through it;

considering I have had to veto many VR

experiences due to nausea, not for the

first time at E3 I walked away feeling

fine. A cooperative shooter like

Bravo Team

is a

good fit for VR, built from the ground up with the

format in mind.

I also did a 'forgiving' circuit with

Gran Turismo


in VR, too. Sat in a racing pod with a wheel

in my hands and a headset clamped to my lugs,

there probably isn't a better way to sell the VR

concept to a non-user. It's immersive, engaging

and looks incredible to boot. I want to play all my

racing games like

this going forward,

despite being hopeless

at them.


There was only

one word (two words?) on

everyone’s lips as they left

the Sony Press Briefing at this

year’s E3 – Spider-Man. 

Though it was originally

announced last year, a lengthy

new bit of Insomniac's


gameplay was revealed at Sony’s conference,

and we’d be lying if we said it wasn’t shaping

up to be huge. From what we were told at our

behind-closed-doors session at the



throws us into the mix

with a Peter Parker who’s pretty familiar

with his powers, and knows his way

around a skyscraper or two. The team

has crafted a new story, so don’t expect

to see a rehashing of any of the old

movies, but there will be characters and

villains you recognise. 

The combat was arguably the best

part of the presentation. We’ve been

describing it as a mix between



the Batman Arkham games, as it involves a lot

of countering and use of the environment and

objects around you. Spidey’s still got his off-

handed wit and humour, and there are even a

few QTE sequences thrown in, too. Keep an eye

out for this one in the early half of next year. 

The Inpatient

is a PS VR experience that is,

strangely enough, a prequel to Supermassive


Until Dawn

. You are a patient in a

psychiatric ward, and the VR mechanics make

great use of people in your environment getting

all up in your grill. Similar to

Until Dawn

, it’s

choice-based, so prepare to regret all your life

decisions and dread the consequences of your

actions. It’s terrifying, and we’d advise against

playing with anyone nearby that you think might

poke you for a bit of a laugh – not funny at all. 

For me, one of E3 2017’s biggest surprises

was a game I’d never heard of –



Developed by Housemarque, it’s a 2D

sidescroller, and it’s actually 

really hard

. There are

a few control mechanics, and you’ve got to try

and coordinate dodging, shooting, and collecting

health and super charge all at the same time.

Maybe I just found it hard because I’m bad at


When we had a crack at the Sony booth, the

dev attendant threw us straight into the boss

level, promising that learning the hard way was

the best way to approach it. Sure enough, it

took approximately four seconds for me to die. I

persisted, but only managed to conquer the boss

at a different station about 45 minutes later. I’m

nothing if not persistent.

Though challenging,


undoubtedly proved to be one of my

favourite games of the show.

One of the standouts of the West Hall was Sony's booth. Though at

times difficult to navigate, the facade was impressive, no section

moreso than the setup for Insomniac's


. Peter Parker

on a helicopter suspended above the city? We've suddenly found

ourselves in distress...

Booth Bits


...prepare to regret all your

life choices and dread

the consequences of your



The Inpatient
