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different equipment to simulated machine errors and

explores the role of different planning approaches to this

Material and Methods

VMAT plans were generated for a selected patient in



at three institutions, as per their local protocol.

An automated VMAT plan was also generated by institution

3 using Pinnacle


Autoplanning. Simulated machine errors

were deliberately introduced to the plans utilising Python.

These included collimator (°), MLC field size (mm) and

MLC shift (mm) errors of 5, 2, 1, -1, -2 and -5 units. Error-

introduced plans were then recalculated and reviewed.

The DVH metrics listed in Table 1 were deemed

unacceptable if their differences relative to the relevant

baseline plan were above the tolerances listed. Plans were

considered unacceptable if any one or more of the limits

were exceeded.

Table 1. DVH metrics and limits.

For each error type (i.e. in Collimator, C; MLC shift,

S; MLC Field Size, FS), the smallest error plans that were

deemed unacceptable were delivered within the given

institution; on an Elekta Linac, measured using an

Arccheck for institutions 1 and 3, and on a Varian Linac ,

measured using a Delta4 for institution 2. Gamma analysis

was performed in SNC Patient version 6.6 or Delta4

software respectively, utilising a 3%/3mm and 2%/2mm

global gamma pass rate (10% isodose threshold with

correction off). Before each set of measurements, MLC

checks and a complex benchmark patient test were used

to ensure the Linacs' performances were within normal



The global 3%/3mm gamma pass is able to detect the

majority of unacceptable plans; however some plans with

significant errors still pass. Interestingly the error type/s

that passed differed at differing institutions (Figure 1).

Figure 1. The smallest error plans (including Collimator

(C), MLC shift (S), and MLC Field Size (FS) error) which

exceeded global gamma pass rates. Errors detected if the

gamma pass rate was < 95% (for 3%/3mm) or <88%

(2%/2mm). Plans that passed are illustrated above the red

lines. Negative MLC errors were not performed at

Institution 2, due to differing equipment.

The automated VMAT plans from institution 3 were similar

in pass rate to the manually planned VMAT for collimator

errors, despite the difference (higher magnitude for

manual VMAT plans) in error magnitude. This could be

caused by the higher MLC modulation in the automated



Not all deliberately introduced errors were discovered for

VMAT plans using a typical 3%/3mm global gamma pass

rate (for 10% threshold with correction off). Consistency

between institutions was low for plans assessed utilising

differing devices and software. A 2%/2mm global analysis

was most sensitive to errors.

PO-0809 A 3D polymer gel dosimeter coupled to a

patient-specific anthropomorphic phantom for proton


M. Hillbrand


, G. Landry


, G. Dedes


, E.P. Pappas


, G.



, C. Kurz


, F. Dörringer


, K. Kaiser


, M. Würl



F. Englbrecht


, O. Dietrich


, D. Makris


, E. Pappas


, K.




Rinecker Proton Therapy Center, Medical Physics,

Munich, Germany


Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Department

of Medical Physics, Munich, Germany


National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Medical

Physics Laboratory- Medical School, Athens, Greece


University of Crete, Department of Medical Physics,

Heraklion, Greece


Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Department

of Radiology, Munich, Germany


Technological Educational Institute, Radiology &

Radiotherapy Department, Athens, Greece

Purpose or Objective

The high conformity of proton therapy (PT) dose

distributions, attributed to protons stopping in the target,

is also the main source of uncertainty of the modality. PT

is sensitive to errors in relative stopping power to water

(RSP) uncertainties and to density changes caused by

organ motion. The ability to verify PT dose distributions in

3D with a high resolution is therefore a key component of

a safe and effective PT program. Existing 2D dosimetric

methods suffer from shortcomings attributed to LET

dependence, positioning uncertainties, limited spatial

resolution and their intrinsic 2D nature. Recent advances

in polymer gel dosimetry coupled to 3D printing

technology have enabled the production of high

resolution, patient specific dosimetry phantoms. So far

this approach has not been tested for PT.

Material and Methods

A 3D-printed hollow head phantom derived from real CT

data was filled with VIPAR6 polymer gel and CT scanned

for pencil beam scanning (PBS) treatment planning,

following RSP characterization of the gel and the 3D

printer bone mimicking material (see Figure 1). All

irradiations of phantoms were carried out at the Rinecker

Proton Therapy Center in Munich, which is dedicated for

PBS. An anterior oblique SFUD plan was used to cover a

centrally located cerebral PTV, following the standard

operating procedures of the PT facility. The field was

crossing the paranasal sinuses (see Figure 2A) to test the

TPS modelling of heterogeneities. 3D maps of the T2

relaxation time were obtained from subsequent MR

scanning of the phantom and were converted to relative

dose. The dose response linearity and proton range were

verified using separate mono-energetic irradiations of

cubic phantoms filled with gel from the same batch.

Relative dose distributions were compared to the TPS

predictions using gamma analysis.