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of a transversal 3D T1-weighted TSE MR image (optimized

MR sequence for bone metastases). A deformable

registration was performed (ADMIRE, v1.13.5, Elekta AB,

Sweden) of the obtained MR-images with the reference CT

for automatic contour propagation and CT deformation.

Furthermore a 3-field IMRT technique treatment plan was

generated automatically using a research version of

Monaco (v5.19.01. Elekta AB, Sweden) with a prescribed

dose of 8 Gy. Additional to the MRI, independent position

verification was performed using two orthogonal MV

beams and the plan was delivered to the phantom. The

offline and online procedures were tested three times,

each time for a different lumbar vertebra. The duration of

the individual procedures within the online workflow was



Time measurements of the individual procedures were as

follows (table 1); MRI acquisition time of 5:02 minutes,

deformable image registration, contour propagation and

generation of the deformed CT within a range of 40-44

seconds, development of an automatic treatment plan

within a range of 6:20-6:30 minutes and position

verification and dose delivery within a range of 2:32-2:42

minutes. The total time of these online procedures ranges

from 14:34-15:01 minutes. These time measurements do

not include the additional time for patient setup, data

transfer and the time needed for a physician to evaluate

the propagated contours and treatment plan at the MR-

Linac. This can potentially increase the total workflow



From a technical perspective, the online workflow

developed for the first-in-man study on the MR-Linac can

be performed well within 30 minutes to treat patients with

bone metastases. Current work is focused on automation

of the data transfer process.

OC-0164 Set-up reproducibility on an MR-Linac

A. Betgen


, T. Vijlbrief


, L. Wiersema


, V.W.J. Van Pelt



J.J. Sonke


, U.A. Van der Heide



Netherlands Cancer Institute Antoni van Leeuwenhoek

Hospital, Department of Radiation Oncology, Amsterdam,

The Netherlands

Purpose or Objective

MRI integrated Linacs are becoming available for

improving the accuracy of radiation therapy. The MR-Linac

(1ATL, Elekta AB, Sweden) is an integration of a 7MV linear

accelerator and a modified 1.5T Ingenia MRI (Philips

Healthcare, NL). Like on a conventional MRI, the table

only moves in longitudinal direction while the patient is in

the bore. No laser system is available. An indexation at

the tabletop for the patients’ positioning devices has to

provide a reproducible position. The treatment plan will

be adapted to the patients’ position, anatomical variation

and organ motion of the day. The aim of this study was to

characterize the accuracy of patient set-up with a table

indexing system in the absence of lasers and skin marks.

Material and Methods

This investigation was performed on a conventional MRI.

MR-scans were acquired at 3 different time points from 8

volunteers. The pelvis was chosen as anatomical region of

interest. The tabletop of this MRI is comparable with the

tabletop of the MR-Linac. A head support and a knee

support, indexed on the table, were used for stability and

reproducibility. The first MR-scan was defined as

reference scan and the following two MR-scans were

registered to this reference on bony anatomy. The setup

variability was analyzed in terms of group mean (M),

systematic (Σ) and random errors (σ) for both translations

and rotations. The results were compared to retrospective

set-up data of 79 patients treated for rectum carcinoma

(5x5 Gy), aligned with lasers and skin marks and measured

with CT-scan and Cone Beam-CT position verification.

Because the group of volunteers is relatively small, the

comparison to the rectal cancer patient group is on a

descriptive basis only.


When comparing retrospective set-up data of rectal

cancer patients to the group of volunteers in this

investigation, for translations, the group mean for the

patient group seem to show a better set-up reproducibility

in the LR and CC direction as compared to the volunteers.

This resulted in group means closer to zero with

corresponding smaller Σ errors and σ errors. In the AP

direction, the mean and standard errors did not seem to

show apparent differences. For rotations the results for

both groups were comparable. The results are presented

in table 1.


For volunteers, without the use of laser alignment,

translations seem to be larger in LR and CC direction.

Rotations were comparable for both groups. However, for

daily practice, the impact of this increased uncertainty is

likely small relative to uncertainties of internal organ

motion that can be in the cm range. In daily on-line

corrections, the combination needs to be considered in

positioning pelvic cancer patients without skin marks, on

an MR-Linac.

OC-0165 TPUS vs CBCT: comparison of daily inter-

modality derived setup shifts for prostate


E.P.P. Pang


, K. Knight


, M. Baird


, J.M.Q. Loh


, E.T.Y.



, G.K. Low


, C.C.C. Yap


, A.H.S. Boo


, J.K.L. Tuan



National Cancer Centre Singapore, Division of Radiation

Oncology, Singapore, Singapore


Monash University, Faculty of Medicine- Nursing and

Health Sciences Medical Imaging & Radiation Sciences,

Melbourne, Australia


Duke-NUS, Graduate Medical School, Singapore,
