Middlesbrough Motor Club - History Part 3 - page 5

1940 continued
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The A.G.M. was held on the 19th. About 70 Members attended.
Reported;- Membership - 421, 21 serving with the Forces, the profit for the year £90.0.0d
Elections;- A. V. Buttress, T. A. Hanson, F.C. Barker, Hon.Gen., Hon.Assist., and Hon.
Press Secty., respectively.
H.F. Houghton Treasurer,
Capt. and Vice Capt., J. Gash and T. T. Hodson.
H. V. Barker, W, Clare, C. L. Hodgson, W. Cooper, J. T. Jobborn, and A. W. Armstrong.
The resignations of W. Tattersall and Alan Clark were accepted and later A. Keen and F.
Hannah were co-opted. At the first meeting of the Committee, W. Oliver was elected
Chairman, and J. T. Jobborn Vice Chairman.
A Competitions and Games Sub-Committee's were elected. It was suggested that a Club
Championship in Snooker and Billiards be promoted.
DONATIONS TO CHARITY. The following were authorised; £50 to the Mayor in respect
of efforts in November, 10/6 to Treloar Cripples Hospital, £1-1-0 to North Ormesby
Hospital, £1-1-0 to Sailors' Orphan Home, Hull, £5 to G. D. Cochrane towards a Hostel for
Service- men in Middlesbrough.
MAYOR'S RELIEF FUND. The Mayor (Sir Wm. Crosthwaite J.P.) announced a Relief
Fund and the Club undertook to raise £1,000-0-0 from members and by other efforts,
including a House-to-House Collection. Wilf Hewitson offered a Car but it was found that
the only competition which would be outside the Betting & Lotteries Act was a Crossword
Puzzle. This was found to be impractical.
The following Honorary Members were elected;-
F. W. Dixon. S. Gjertson, C. J. Halliman, S. Jackson (Gazette) W. Day (N-Echo), J. H.
Simmonds and all members in the Forces.
A SPEED LIMIT of 20 M.P.H during the Black out was announced with a comment that
"contrary to popular belief, practising driving at a fixed speed during daylight did not assist
in driving in blackout conditions as speed judging is largely a visual matter."
It was recorded that it was an offence to use a headlight not fitted with the official mask.
M. D. Ball, Chairman of the Competitions Committee of the A.C.U. was reported as saying
at the Cheshire Centre's Dinner that the A.C.U. would be a very different body from What
we have known in the past. (Is it and was it ?) The Journal gave advise on how to use
your Car at Night, and concluded with an appeal to Members to join the Club's effort in
respect of War Savings Certificates. A Farewell party was given to Tom Blackburn who
was joining the R.A.F.
Two Adverts in the Journal were cancelled and the continuation of same was considered.
It was decided that the Editor & Executive Officers should use their discretion in the
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