Middlesbrough Motor Club - History Part 3 - page 15

1942 continued
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The matter was again considered. It was found that it was extremely difficult to ban
them altogether - there were several whom it might be considered an honour to entertain.
It was Agreed that the Hon. Secretary should have powers to close the Bar as and when
the supply position demanded.
A meeting of the Brains Trust was held on Sunday, 19th. The Trust was composed of an
Engineer, a Chemist, a Scientist, a Company Secretary, a Major, a Lawyer, and a Wise
old Man.
SAVINGS GROUP. T. A. Hanson & W. Oliver reported that when asked by the Mayor as
to the amount which the Members might subscribe they had said £1,000. At the
inaugural meeting a splendid appeal was made by the Chairman, W. Cooper who wound
up his address by sitting down at the Piano and playing the chorus of "Land of Hope &
Glory" in which all present joined, led by Ken Atkinson. After further appropriate
musical items, the appeal closed with a Total of £1,750. Throughout the following week,
stimulated by periodical references in the Press, Members continued to subscribe and by
Wednesday Evening the total was over £3,000. A further £700 on Thursday and Friday
put the amount within £300 of £4,000. A member who had already subscribed
generously offered to provide half the £300 if the Members could raise the other half.
This was soon forthcoming and the week was finished with a figure of over £4,000. The
Total amount invested since the formation of the Club's Group was in the region of
The Programme was, May 17th, Third sitting of the Brains Trust, A Whist Drive & Dance
on Wednesday 27th, on behalf of St. Dunstans.
An increase in Bar prices due to increased Taxation on Supplies was authorised.
Visitors the matter was again discussed and it was decided that Visitors be banned on
and after the 29th, Desirable members of the Forces be invited to apply for associate
membership at a fee of 2/6.
An appeal for members to bring Old Tyres to the Club for salvage was made in the
This occurred on the 11th May, suddenly. At the subsequent meeting of the Committee,
the Chairman, W. Cooper said that Bill Ryan was irreplaceable, he was a shrewd
legislator, had unbounded enthusiasm and drive and these qualities would for ever live in
our happy memories of him. Tributes were also paid by A. C. Alien, T. A. Hanson, and
A. V. Buttress. Letters of appreciation and sympathy were receivedfrom the Yorkshire
Centre of the A.C.U., Fred Marshall of Ilkley, T. E. Flintoff, Bradford, Donald H. Smith, the
Motor Cycle, V. Wieland, G. A. Clough, Miss N. Whittaker, British Sailor's Society and
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