Middlesbrough Motor Club - History Part 3 - page 21

1943 continued
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A letter from Mr R. A. Constantine, acknowledged the help given with the house to house
collection for Toc. H. War Services which raised £490.
Afternoon Whist Drives continued, there was a visit from the Police Social Club.
The committee ordered that all games in the Lounge must stop when Dancing had been
officially agreed. This followed an incident on a Saturday Night.
Increased prices were agreed due to the 1943 Budget.
Frequent mention was made to accidents occuring in the Town. There were no lights.
T. A. Hanson, Journal Editor etc. was appointed Hon. Secretary of the Regional & Local
Accident Prevention Council.
A Cycle Run to Hutton Rudby was arranged, 14 members met at Liddle's Garage. The
weather was fine but there was a strong head wind which made progress very slow. After
many rests the party arrived at Hutton Rudby and after bathing their feet in the local
stream, took tea at the Bay Horse Inn.
ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP. After consideration of the position of visitors with Forces
Associate Membership, the Committee agreed to elect 50 Associate Members who would
pay the full entrance fee and subscription, but would not have a vote at any General
Meeting or be entitled to be nominated for any Official Position. Such Associates to be
transferred to Full Membership at the discretion of the Committee. (This was made a Rule
and remained in force until the passing of the 1961 Licencing Act which required all
members must have a Vote and equal rights).
The death of Tom Ainsley vvas reported. He had served as Treasurer from 1922 to 1932,
he was one of those enthusiastic officials to whom the success of the Club can be
attributed. A Tender of £86-16-0 for redecorating the Club House was accepted and the
conversion of the Coke Fired Central Heating Boiler to Gas was agreed. This decision
was influenced by the fact that the charge for Gas in Middlesbrough was very cheap, it
being obtained from the Coke Ovens.
The Club House
BYE-LAWS were reviewed and after alterations were adopted in there revised form.
Cycle runs continued to be a popular feature, Hutton Gate, Broughton, Carlton, and
Swainby were venues. A Cycle Parade was held on Wednesday 11th. The route being
from Dunning Road to Albert Park where judging of Cycles took place. Throughout the
year a continuous write-up of the Early Days was featured in the Journal.
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