Middlesbrough Motor Club - History Part 3 - page 14

1942 continued
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The Mortgage on the Club Premises had been paid off and £100 had been invested in 3%
Defence Bonds.
The Balance of Assets over Liabilities was assessed as £1,255. Gambling on Dominoes
– This matter was discussed and a Resolution that this meeting feels grave disquiet at the
reported incidents and requests the Committee to put a stop to them by the expulsion of
the offending Members was carried by a large majority. The Game was later banned.
Elections - Committee;
W. Cooper, J. Parsons, A. Bunting, A. W. Armstrong, W. Ulare & A. Watson.
Officials; A. V. Buttress, T. A. Hanson, F. C. Barker, H. F. Houghton, J. Gash, J. T.
Hodgson & J. H. Simmonds (Auditor) were all re-elected
In reply to a query as to why Dances were only held in the Club House it was stated that if
held elsewhere they would have to finish at 10.00p.m.
At the first meeting of the Committee, W. Cooper was elected Chairman & A. Keen, Vice
Chairman. Hon. Membership was granted to; W. & H. Armstrong, F. W. Dixon, S.
Gjertson, E. J. Halliman, J. H. Simmonds, E. Gale, P. Pox, R. Burnicle, H. Whitcomb and
all Members serving in the Forces.
Dominoes, the Game was re-instated under the following conditions: Any Member
contravening same or suspected of same should on the request of senior officials leave
the Club and not re-enter until called to attend the next meeting of the Committee.
The Programme was for 2 Afternoon Whist Drives and a meeting of the Club's Brain
Trust, The President to act as Question Master.
Warships Week 14th/21st. The Town's target was to purchase a Destroyer. The Club's
target, the provision of a Sick Bay, Cost £1,000. The appeal to be inaugurated at a
Cabaret and Dance to be held on Sunday the 15th. Reported that a Snooker Handicap
had been held on No. 3 Table for the wool fund and it was hoped to arrange similar efforts
during the year.
Donations were made to; The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents and Sailor's
Orphan Homes. A letter from the Tees Chaplain, Rev. J. R. Precious, expressed thanks
for the splendid donation of £30-11-8 for the Missions to Seamen following a Cabaret &
Dance on the 4th. A Raffle was organised for the Middlesbrough Old Age Pensioners.
A Tribute to the late Sgt. Pilot G. G. Bensley, together with a photograph appeared in the
March issue of the Journal. He was killed in action on the 31st August 1941, and was
buried in the Cemetary at St. Trond, Belgium on the 2nd September. He was one of the
outstanding Rider Members of the Club, a familiar competitor at Race Meetings, organised
in pre War Days at Donnington, Filey and other Northern Race Meetings and the Ulster
Grand Prix. He also rode in the Scott Trial. He was engaged to Miss Patricia Toomey of
Redcar. It was reported that Cpl. J. Grannard ha-d been killed in Malta.
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