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II. Environmental information


General policy in

environmental matters

How the Company is organised to deal with environmental

issues and, if applicable, the steps it takes for environmental

evaluation and certification

P. 32, 41

Measures to train and inform the employees

concerning environmental protection

P. 34

Ways and means of preventing environmental hazards

and pollution

Amundi’s primary business

is asset management.

This business does not generate

any major environmental risks.

Amount of accounting provisions and guarantees for environmental

risks, provided that this information shall not be such that it might

cause the Company serious prejudice in an ongoing lawsuit


Measures for the prevention, reduction or remediation

of discharges into the air, water or soil with serious

environmental impact

Amundi’s primary business

is asset management.

This business does not generate any

discharges into the air, water or soil.

Mitigating noise pollution and any other form

of pollution specific to an activity

Amundi’s primary business

is asset management.

This business does not generate

specific pollution or noise pollution.

Circular economy –

Prevention and

management of waste

Waste prevention, recycling, re-use and elimination measures

P. 33, 41

Actions taken to combat food waste

P. 33

Circular economy –

Sustainable use

of resources

Water consumption

P. 41

Consumption of raw materials and measures taken

to use them more efficiently

The topic of the consumption of raw

materials is not relevant to Amundi’s

main business, asset management.

(Responsible paper management

is discussed on p. 32)

Energy consumption, measures taken to improve energy efficiency

and use of renewable energy

P. 32, 41

Climate change

Significant sources of greenhouse gas emissions generated due

to the Company’s business, particularly the use of the goods and

services it produces

P. 16, 33, 41

Adaptation to the consequences of climate change

Amundi has not identified any direct impacts

from climate change on its own operations.

For indirect impacts associated with its

investment activity, see pages 11 (SRI) and

16 (Initiatives supporting the energy transition)

Protection of biodiversity Measures taken to preserve or enhance biodiversity

The topic of biodiversity protection

is not relevant to Amundi’s main

business, asset management.




2016 Corporate social responsability report

Economic, social and environmental information

Methodology and indicators