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under the hood stuff – we optimised

how the game ran and focused on

eliminating bugs.”

Following the initial success of the first

Witcher title, CD Projekt RED attempted to

port the game to console enlisting French

studio Widescreen Games to complete

the task. It was an absolute disaster and

was scrapped after less than a year in

production. While the studio has had prior

experience with console development (


Witcher II: Assassins of Kings

only came out on

Xbox 360 as the PS3 was purportedly to hard to

work out), it's the first time the game is coming

out on the PlayStation platform.

Platkow-Gilewski says the console versions

were always in the planning and that they

'wanted to make a truly multiplatform game right

from the start'.

“We did a lot of research before making

the decision to launch on all platforms

simultaneously,” explains Platkow-Gilewski. “We

tested waters with the Xbox 360 launch of


Witcher II: Assassins of Kings

, so this time we’re

even better prepared to launch on consoles.

“As for the PlayStation gamers, they need not

worry – we’ve created

Wild Hunt

in such a way

that for newcomers it’s basically a standalone

game. Every major character will be gently

reintroduced, every recurring theme explained.

What’s more, we’ve managed to do this

delicately enough so longtime fans still see this

as a natural continuation of the game. Our story

team is pretty awesome.”

While Andrzej Sapowski created The Witcher

universe, he has no input in development. In

fact, he doesn’t even like video games, so the

narrative in the Witcher titles are conceived by

the studio. The world in

Wild Hunt

is purportedly

30 times bigger than the previous Witcher

games and a whopping 20 per cent larger than


. That’s a lot of open world to fill with


“We had to develop our own idea of how

to create worlds, I guess,” says Platkow-

Gilewski. “I spent a lot of time talking with

the team on their vision of an open world and

it always struck me that it was never anything

like 'let’s just make a huge mass of land and

fill it with stuff'.

“Everything was created with a purpose. For

example, gameplay teams requested a part of

the world to be created, so environmental teams

had an idea of the purpose of what they were

creating. The world was not created and filled

with content, it’s content that created the world.

And it’s huge.”

If this expansive world isn’t enough for

gamers, CD Projekt RED are already

planning a significant amount of DLC.

And what’s even better, the studio

are releasing 16 free bits of DLC after the game

comes out, including cosmetic items for key

characters and even contracts.

Platkow-Gilewski explains: “We owe gamers

for supporting us and free DLC is our way of

saying 'thank you'. But that’s not everything.

As a company, we’re not particularly fond of

what’s going on with the industry with regard to

downloadable content.

“Gamers are being charged for things we

think should be free and we wanted to put the

money where our mouth is. We see a clear

line between content that makes paying for it

sensible, and content that should be free. And

we try to lead by example."

Not all the DLC is free. CD Projekt RED

recently announced two drops of DLC called

Hearts of Stone


Blood and Wine

. With over

30 hours of gameplay included here, the studio

wanted to deliver content that was worthy of a

price tag.

“We’ve just announced two expansions to

The Witcher III: Wild Hunt

that will give gamers

30 hours of adventures,” Platkow-Gilewski says.

“They will introduce new characters and items,

and even a totally new region of the world.


Hearts of Stone


Blood and Wine


huge and meaningful, and we think that when

gamers see how much effort we put into creating

them, they won’t feel ripped off seeing that

they’re not free. That’s the whole point for us.”

Since the first game back in 2007, the

Witcher series has stamped its own identity in

a crowded genre – no easy task. Anticipation

for the final game in the trilogy is at fever pitch,

and this is likely to be one of the biggest games

of 2015. What does Platkow-Gilewski attribute

the studio’s success to? Is there a secret to CD

Projekt RED’s success?

“Learning from what you do, I think. There’s

no magic thing one needs to do that grants you

success. You need a dedicated team, you need

ideas, and you need to work really hard. That,

plus a bit of luck.”

We've created

Wild Hunt

in such a way that for

newcomers it's basically a

standalone game




The Witcher III: Wild Hunt is out May 19