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brandy Mixtures

2 A •

°'""er Cocktail

oz. ^,ncot Bmndy

1 OZ. Curacao

3 dashes lemon juice

' II. strain- into .cocktail glass.

1 oz. Brandy'"''""


1 oz. Dry Gin

oz. Ouracao

'- sliakes; strain into cocktail glass

1 1-2 oz. Brandy

1 nf


L I'^^outh

-10 cocktail gh,es.

1 1-2 oz. Brandr®""^ Alexander

1 oz. heavy -cream


' -10 cockt-ail glass

2 oz. .Brandy

1 lumip sugar

Add tAvist of lemon, twist of n,..

-ugar dissolves. Ignite ivhii

feel, stir until

toddy glass.

® ®

stirring, strain into

2,oz. Brandy


3 dashes Curacao

0. stir, strain into -oqpktail glass.
