Main Driver Explanation
The intention of PRF is to enhance interoperability of the Irish and Northern Irish gas markets with the UK market, in line with the goal of the European
Union in achieving an EU Single Market in Gas. Ireland and Northern Ireland are currently at the extremity of the EU gas network with no ability to export
to the UK and beyond. The PRF projects would allow, for the first time, trade from Ireland to the UK. This opportunity is likely to encourage new gas supply
sources in Ireland and Northern Ireland which in turn would help increase trading opportunities between Ireland, Northern Ireland (UK), the UK and
Europe, further enhancing market integration in these regions.
Benefit Description
The PCI of which this action is an element would primarily benefit the UK through improvements in Security of Supply and would also benefit the
operators of supply sources in ROI by facilitating access to the UK and continental markets.
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Current TYNDP : TYNDP 2017 - Annex A