Matrimandir”…! The carpenters had gone to complaint there had been violence
against them… Piero and Yus explained that this was totally untrue; that there was
indeed a problem of harmony with whoever continued to be paid by the SAS in
Auroville and that we had indeed requested the carpenters to withdraw from the
work until a solution would be found… Yus advises that this is the line we must keep
to if and when the police return here…
… Prem M has called for a meeting to discuss the visas situation. We all go, except
Kiran whose presence there would only cause turmoil… Prem explains the need for
a formal representative body for the Government and other outside agencies to
relate to, but also to perform the necessary coordinating tasks within Auroville.
Isn’t it the Coop, then? It is a little ironic that he had earlier been advocating the
dissolution of the Coop in favour of divers working groups; and now here he is, in
“good faith” recommending the opposite!
Al.B suggests then that each of the work-areas or groups send one representative,
an individual whose awareness of the collective is appreciated and who is willing to
do the practical work…
… All of a sudden, C.E comes out onto the terrace where I have been working with
the men, his eyes summoning me, intent and wide… I join him inside; he sits there,
looking at Your photograph, takes my hand and says “I don’t want to leave
Auroville” He kisses my hand; I kiss and hug him. It is calm.
…The sub-Collector has informed us that the people of the SAS have declared their
intention of coming back to work and meditate at Matrimandir, and that we are not
legally in any position to prevent them and therefore could be accused of breaking
law and order should we try…
*22-9-1979, Auroville:
When I got to “New Creation” early this morning, to pick up Jacq and Kiran, Jacq
greeted me with a copy of the last issue of “L’Express” featuring a long review of
FJ’s role and activities leading to Algeria’s independence, of his “Net” in support of
the FLN, replete with the stories and the atmosphere of that period in my
childhood, the clandestinity, the fake identities, the women, the Algerian friends
around me and C… Back at work, we all look at it together…
An hour later we see the carpenters arriving, in formation, escorted by… Jyotiprem!
The whole scene is at once sad and ludicrous and we say between nausea and
guffaws… He has come along, all skeletal as he is, to “protect these good men from
the hooligans”… P.G is beaming with pleasure at my expression!
A huge rain soon pours on all, till after 1 pm; but we manage to cast 3 more beams
by the workshop…
We spend the evening on and around the structure, locking away the sawing-
machines, sorting the tools, cleaning-up… John H is a little stuck, afraid of any
“divisive” action on our part, but he relaxes soon enough and willingly helps; so
does Mangini, cheerfully…
*23-9-1979, Auroville:
A wondrous red she-cat has appeared two days back and seeks to be adopted, but,
seeing our Gauri’s eyes, as if I had betrayed her, I feel too bad : she may not be as
beautiful but she is ours, joined with us, while this new one is merely using of her
seduction to get shelter! What to do?
We have all come for the concreting; it is joyful, until Piero comes and there is a
marked change in the atmosphere…