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… C.E and I take our dinners separately these days; I go and do the work at the

Kitchen by myself. There is now this formation between us of my exerting a

dominating influence; I didn’t know this could happen with C.E: I had been giving

myself unreservedly and I had trusted this was the best safeguard against that kind

of imbalance; and yet he now sees me as the obstacle in the path of his freedom… I

shouldn’t resent it, I should just keep quiet!

… I meditate on the issue of the carpenters… I mustn’t fear others’ judgements or

incomprehension. Auroville has to include. A real change cannot be exclusive…

There is the truth of their commitment, and there is the falsity of their human

ways, just like anyone of us! There is a supreme meaning and purpose in the

presence of all these elements here, and a Grace that keeps it all together in a

movement of continuous change, with the least possible damage… I just know that

I must never fear…

*16-9-1979, Auroville:

This trepidation spreads from my solar plexus out trough my nerves into the upper

part of my body, like something alien and disturbing which my whole system yearns

to have plucked away. But I don’t know how to pray, how to offer… It has been

almost two full days like that!

… Only when one has become perceptive of the whole, in the whole, materially as

well, is one beyond disorder…

*17-9-1979, Auroville:

Wind and rain, wind and rain, gusts of it…

What are we doing? It feels so ridiculous, mutely pecking on each other… and

“mine” and “yours” and being close to the Divine and what not…! I am upset at

both of us, at the situation we create; I want to break it, to shake it and see what

comes out of it… I want to roar about!

But I fear to be frank! But then I get to tease C.E, on our “nice sadhana” and all the

good points he must be accumulating, and yet all the walls will not be enough to

set one free! He remains quiet: perhaps he feels compassion for me?

… Mangini comes in to complain he’s been beaten up by Narayana! Another blow-up

ahead for me!

And at work it is a mess, Bhavani and Narayana go on yelling throughout the

morning, accusing me of favouring Mangini, of worshipping Kiran, of playing

politics… Jacq gets her share as well! G.M tries to calm Bhavani but she takes it out

on him… Every movement one does is interpreted, used, there seems to be no way


At noon I try to talk to C.E again? Can’t we find again our joy to be together? I am

tired of his measuring his own progress against me, using me as a reference for his

own autonomy… But what is best? I don’t know!

… P.G shows me a circular that was passed around about Joss being asked to leave

“Certitude”; he also tells me about M.Kl using Auroville money for his own

purposes… tricks and twists and warps… He is all set for war again, but it only

makes things appear disproportionate, like a clown does!

… Worries assail me. There is no harmony, no organisation, no trust… And with C.E,

I am snared in a formation and the more I move the more it tightens: that this is

“my” place and the relationship has been set on “my” terms and, for him to fulfil

himself, he must be rejected by me…