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We catch 5 of these men and pack them up into an empty jeep that’s parked right

there, waiting for the Inspector to come and “take delivery”; others go on chasing

after the remaining guys who have fled, some running, some on horse-back and

some riding their bikes across the fields, it is a real fiesta…! C has got a ride on

Jacq’s bike! We get hold of one more of those guys and hand them all over to the

police, having no illusion, though, as to what measures will be taken… We are

merely making a point! There is a rather joyful energy flowing…

… Walking back home with C, I start telling her what happened in 1973, what was

done to You… and I begin to cry…!

… I cycle over to “Dana” to bring Marcia’s mail, and also to let C.E. and V visit with

C here without me… G.M is groggy… We sit quietly, the 3 of us, when J of “Two

Banyans” comes in… After a while I ask him straight how he feels about some of

the Coop members wanting him to resign if he does not stop taking hashish; he is a

little surprised at my direct question but answers with a fair measure of honesty, I

think, although he’s obviously been very hurt by the attitude of the “Aspiration”

people and is till in a reaction to it… However I find that communication with him is

very limited, or veiled…

… I ponder what I have seen today: this part of Auroville which is like a “Farmers

Association; people who, out of their own interests, reach some sort of mutual

agreement or contract so that each one gets the minimum trouble while

supplementing one’s life-style with a bit of collective ideal and a vague orientation

towards a simpler and better earthly existence… And that seems to be it…!

And here is quite a gap! Some of my illusions got shot today… I was taking certain

things for granted, which are actually not real at all…

With whom and how is Matrimandir to be built…? Who wants it? For its own sake,

and not for… other reasons?

How are we ever going to meet in an active and committed movement of building

which is at the same time a receptivity for the foundations to be laid of an entirely

other Being…?

Is this “we” ever going to manifest, to happen…?

*5-3-1980, Auroville:

Back to “Tapoloka” this morning to resume the general meeting that was

interrupted yesterday…; this time, I chair. I introduce the main topic as a token of

our search together for a certain transparency and security… Then I am fully busy

keeping the meeting together; there is no fatigue… I try to bring people who do not

usually speak up to express themselves… The main trends or focuses are, once

more, tantrism, the use of drugs, allegiance to or collusion with the SAS… Some

agreement is obtained on a few topics and the rest is to be seen again on


*6-3-1980, Auroville:

J.Cl is shaving a very hard time here. Despite his generosity and friendly humour,

he doesn’t find his place… M.S is also in some difficulty: she has hepatitis and is

very unsure as to whether she must stay or leave; her attachment to Cyril pulls her

one way, but she is very disappointed and hurt by what she has seen here, by the

behaviour of the people in “Aspiration”… Somehow, none of my old friends seems to

adjust well to the situation here; there is bitterness and incomprehension…

… In the night P.G wakes me up for my shift, out of an interesting dream –

experience or activity, I don’t know how to call it -; it has a character of illustrated,