In the morning the Guard is called to “Revelation “ by Hervé, as the SAS people are
trying to prevent our people from harvesting and picking the fruits and nuts in the
cashew topes; we make a good show of presence and eventually they all leave…
Oh, would we rid ourselves of reasoning, opinions and arguments and would there
be enough of us ready, at all times, always ready, for whatever it may be…
… C has brought me her “Memoire” (her Thesis); there is such a deep poise and
profound balance between us, always progressing, quietly… She walks with me over
to the amphitheatre; we meet John H there; others soon join us and we start
building the wood pyre for tomorrow’ Dawn Fire… And later in the Kitchen, we
prepare everything for the breakfast that will be served to everybody afterwards…
*28-2-1980, Auroville:
At 5.20 am, Gopal and P.P help me to light the Fire; it catches well and all the
beams remain upright within the high flames till they crumble and collapse upon
themselves, ashes… The “Aspiration” people have brought the sound equipment
and we listen to a composition by Igor in which he has recorded Your voice as You
utter the mantra for Satprem: four times You say the mantra, and it is such a total
offering, such a complete, utter reliance on the Lord…!
… Late morning, I am at work preparing for the big dinner sweet which I want to
serve tonight, when G.M and Marcia arrive all tense and wound up to call me…:
about 15 men, paid by the SAS, armed with sticks and “cutties”, have come to
“Dana” to take over the cashew topes there and, when they found G.M walking his
puppy dog and he tried to make them leave (he had a dream last night of being
attacked and injured), more men appeared and incited the others to beat him up…
He somehow managed to run away with the puppy, returned to his house to call
Marcia and they both immediately drove over here… These guys have torn off from
G.M’s neck the locket he uses to wear with Your blessings in it: this is too much, I
want to get it back from them!
When several of us go there we find that these men have already run away,
dangerous cowards that they are….
As we move around the area, drift over to “Samriddhi” and the P’s place, wondering
what to do, I become aware of a distance… between all this thinking, arguing,
discussing, rejecting and… what it is to be just a little conscious, in a receptive
silence, turned toward the right perception of the moment, of the act…
The suggestion comes up that, this year, rather than try and fight back all over the
place to hold on to the harvests – the topes are scattered over a very large area -,
we could consider the radical measure: to remove all the flowers, so that no fruit
and no nuts will be further yielded; this might be more sensible than to keep
running after the fact, when we are isolated and we are bound to reach always too
… C walks with me down to “Tapoloka” for the special general meeting on
Matrimandir; it is packed; P.G offers to chair, but he is so unsettled that soon Arjun
has to replace him… Many things are said… Kiran’s presence in Auroville is again
questioned, but there seems to be, underlying, a genuine wish to communicate…
F.Gr surprises me with a surge of emotion akin to hatred, something dark, violent,
resentful and exclusive, and it is clear that he considers me as a kind of symbol for
what has to be swept away at Matrimandir; it is quite unexpected… Is it because of
Patricia’s absence? I can’t help seeing some measure of dishonesty there…
… I walk quickly over to Kannan’s house to ask him to help locate the men who had
come to “Dana” – I haven’t seen them, so I can’t tell from which village they came
– and try to trace G.M’s locket…